Alliance news & features

Stories and features for Alliance of Energy Professionals members
- Get up to speed on our battery storage offer
- Fiscal year-end checklist: Get those projects completed
- Alliance then and now: a conversation with Tanya Perewernycky
- Burnaby bets big on LEDs for streets and pathways
- B2E Commercial Building Electrification Guide arrives
- Multi-unit residential building retrofit program is here
- Rebates change the math on solar power, battery storage
- Incentives for tubular LEDs now available
- Our new-and-improved continuous optimization program
- BC Hydro program helps businesses fund energy storage
- New time-of-day pricing best for those with EVs or solar power
- Terrace's Mills Memorial Hospital undergoes a sustainable transformation
- 10 things we learned at the Alliance breakfast event
- EV charging at stratas: metering options and rates
- Three deadlines coming up, and why they matter
- Three program updates will speed up project approvals
- Electric vehicle charger rebates return, with a townhouse twist
- Coming soon: a new home for program information, webinars, videos
- Are your customers equipped for demand response?
- A program shift (or two) for larger customers
- Your residential customers should know about Peak Rewards
- Electric vans, trucks on the way: ready for EV fleets?
- Commercial Express program 'goes to 11'
- Social housing rebates now run by BC Hydro
- Builder finds a cost-effective path to all-electric homes
- Got demand response expertise? We're going to need you
- That project deadline, and a few vital tips
- Burnaby schools settle on pricing for EV charging
- Business incentive top-up offered for a limited time
- 'Keep talking to us', says new Alliance manager
- New EV rebate top-up on select smart chargers for homes
- Tackling GHGs? Look to both CleanBC and BC Hydro
- Lessons learned from a prolonged pandemic
- New networked lighting incentives aid affordability
- Incentives to help B.C. fleet owners shift to electric vehicles
- It's a great time for contractors to embrace home electrification
- Special bonus incentive offers for 2022
- Top tips about the Alliance and incentives
- Supply issues can't stop the quest for energy efficiency
- To reduce demand charges, know your load profile
- Weaning industry off fossil fuels key to GHG reductions
- Tips for making virtual inspections go smoothly
- What's 'electrification' about, and how will it work?
- Why you should take the time to answer program surveys
- CEM Hub refined: You spoke, and we listened
- 10 things you should know about EV Ready and charger rebates
- As demand grows, know your LEDs for horticulture use
- Worker safety, and other climate change risks
- Businesses warming to idea of electric fleets
- Charging incentives aim to make strata parking EV ready
- A new-look CEM Hub, and other key updates
- Coquitlam schools plug into electric car savings
- New project? Ask the owner about hidden safety risks
- Complete projects in time for fiscal year end
- New year, new BC Hydro lighting calculator
- EV fleet charger rebates get big bump, for a limited time
- What's on the roof? HVAC incentives from CleanBC
- You asked for it: a roundup of current program offers
- BCEA online training expands to include new courses
- How Alliance members can help support energy management
- Alliance contractors crucial to helping stratas understand EV charging
- The GST shuffle, plus other industrial program updates
- Trending: Dimmable TLEDs advance savings and benefits
- Commercial update: How you can help as businesses reopen
- During COVID-19, inspections rely on email, customer photos
- For consulting engineers, the timing's right to reignite projects
- EV charging program: renewed funding, condos and plug-ins
- Six things you should know as an Alliance member
- BC Hydro to explore load reductions at Gloucester industrial park
- Compressed air isn't free, but we tend to forget about it
- It's time to get moving on incentives for key account customers
- Wired for rebates: Questions and answers about B.C.'s EV charger program
- Watch for LED street lighting upgrades across B.C.
- New EV charger rebates for homes, condos, and workplaces
- Keep your Alliance records up to date
- Four things you need to know about the BCEA's LINK Conference
- Shifting when customers use power a hot topic for Alliance
- Fiscal 2020 update: 4 things you need to know
- New construction incentives shift from kWh to CO2e
- Industry trend series: The future of EV charging is smart
- Navigate the CEM Hub easier with these tips & tricks
- Customers asking for lighting controls that work? Write a control narrative
- BC Hydro gets green light to electrify B.C.
- Five things you need to know about the Efficiency BC website
- BESI & SIP move to Conservation and Energy Management Hub
- Four things you need to know about business incentives
- The how and why of inspections for BC Hydro business incentives
- BC Hydro offers Alliance members funding for advanced lighting controls training program
- BC Hydro agricultural expert to speak on LEDs and horticulture
- Social housing gets a leg up with FortisBC, BC Hydro program
- Alliance key in helping customers make switch to plug-in electric vehicles
- Help customers avoid or mitigate power factor surcharges
- New video helps first-time users of lighting calculator
- Are you in the 60% who have renewed your Alliance membership?
- Reviews are in for Alliance Industry Trend series
- You can help a Pineview business with this incentive
- Are you in the 60% who have renewed your Alliance membership?