Coming soon: a new home for program information, webinars, videos

Watch for emails linking to new training platform
Did you miss a key Alliance webinar? Do you wrestle, from time to time, with part of a program application?
Our Alliance team has been working on a more comprehensive, helpful, and easy-to-use program training and tips platform that should be the go-to source for Alliance members in the coming months. When it's ready, we'll invite you to explore it and let us know what you think.
"We'll be able to post webinars that we've held, videos, and be able to update information in a more timely way," says Tanya Perewernycky, program manager with our Alliance of Energy Professionals. "As we host a webinar or other event, we'll be able to quickly make it available for members who missed it."
Eventually, the new training platform will also serve as an archive of webinars, videos and tips that should serve as a fortified FAQ. That doesn't mean you still can't call the Alliance team for help, but it should be a handy time saver.
"As an example, we might post a training video for the BESI program (business energy saving incentives) to help you when you get stuck," she says. "It could answer questions about how to enter the PIN, or how to complete a customer declaration. And we'll post videos that help you through different customer processes."
One of the challenges the Alliance team has been facing is keeping members up to date on rapidly evolving programs and key changes to incentives, such as the migration of large commercial customers to industrial programs, including the move from BESI to the self-serve incentive program (SIP). There's just a lot going on, and the timing of webinars doesn't always work for everyone.
"If you miss an announcement or a topic, you'll be able to go there and review the information on your own time," she says.
When does it all happen? Keep an eye out for details and for email invitations to specific webinars and videos.