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Electric power for film sets

Movie lights and soft filter

Funding for electric power kiosks in B.C. filming locations

We provide funding for the installation of permanent power access or purpose-built power kiosks that are configured for the film industry. These are to be installed by municipalities to offset the use of diesel generators in high-volume filming locations in B.C.

The offer

  • Up to 50% of electrical infrastructure costs for the design and installation of a permanent power kiosk or other permanent power access, not including charging equipment.
  • Funding will be calculated based on a review of project costs and benefits, which include the electrification opportunity, emissions savings, and overall business case.

How it works

  1. Submit a film industry power kiosk application.
  2. We’ll review your application to determine your project’s eligibility.
  3. If approved, we’ll send you a funding agreement for the project, including the amount of funding we’ll be able to provide.
  4. Once the agreement is signed, proceed with your installation.
  5. Once your project is complete, send us the required documentation. If approved, we’ll provide the funding in accordance with your agreement on a reimbursement basis.


To qualify for funding:

  • Applicants need to be identified as a priority filming location by the Reel Green Clean Energy Committee.
  • Power kiosks may be installed on municipality property or private property, provided the municipality has entered into an agreement with the property owner.
  • Power kiosks must be operational for film industry activities for a minimum of five years.

Eligible cost

  • Meters, transformers, feeders, panels, branch circuits and conduit
  • Communication infrastructure
  • Design of electrical system
  • Electrical contractor labour

How to apply

Applications for this program are completed online.

To apply, you’ll need:

  • Municipality (applicant) contact information 
  • Address and BC Hydro account number (if applicable) for the power kiosk site 
  • Film project frequency and estimated power consumption for those projects 
  • Schedule and budget
  • A copy of the paid invoice(s) for electrical infrastructure installation
  • Electrical permit number and proof of inspection
  • Any other required documents or reports as identified in your funding agreement

Apply now


If you have questions about this program, you can email us or, if you have a Key Account Manager for your business, you can reach out to them directly.