New year, new BC Hydro lighting calculator

Updated tool adds functionality to recognize demand, not just energy efficiency
If you've worked with lighting projects, you're likely familiar with the BC Hydro energy savings lighting calculator that's required for BC Hydro Custom and Industrial self-serve incentive (SIP) projects. Over the years, the calculator has gone through many updates based on lighting legislation requirements, but this year's update is a little different.
The just-released new lighting calculator, known as version 10, incorporates minor updates. But what's really new are additional fields for demand savings for BC Hydro.
The changes are in tune with BC Hydro's broadened approach to demand side management, where we're now looking at demand opportunities and not just energy efficiency.
The biggest change? Three peaks instead of one
The new lighting calculator incorporates three separate BC Hydro peaks, where previously the calculator only indicated one. This will help BC Hydro review the impacts of lighting projects to the BC Hydro grid at the substation level.
Other updates made to this version
Other updates in version 10 of the calculator include:
- A way to ensure we know who has completed the calculator. New fields have been added to identify the person completing the spreadsheet, so we'll know who to reach out to with any questions.
- A new baseline applied to T5HO lamps, similar to other fluorescent lighting baselines. The new baseline for T5HO lamps is 49W, even when the customer may still have 54W. As with T12 and T8, even if the full wattage is entered, the spreadsheet will override with the new baseline.
- Additional rows added to the ES Calculator tab. That means there are now 1,500 rows available for very large projects.
- A new information tab added, called Accepted ECMs. Not sure which ECM to select in your spreadsheet, or uncertain if an incentive applies? Use this sheet as a reference tool.
When to start using the updated tool? Right away
You can start using the new spreadsheet right away. Soon, all projects will require it.
For Commercial Custom applications, the new lighting calculator will be required for any application submitted after April 1, 2021.
For Industrial SIP applications, you may continue to use lighting calculator version 9, as the online SIP system has not yet been updated. Stay tuned, as these updates should be made by July 2021.
For lighting calculator questions, please contact us by email.