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Invoicing and payments for suppliers

We work with our suppliers, every step of the way, to ensure you receive payments in a timely manner. Whether you’re billing against a Purchase Order (PO) or a non-PO order, for goods or services, we can help.

eInvoicing (Ariba) program for Purchase Order suppliers

BC Hydro has partnered with the SAP Ariba Network to offer eInvoicing, giving suppliers greater flexibility, accelerated payment options, and real-time information about purchase orders (POs), invoices, and payment statuses.

You can use Ariba free of charge when doing business with us—all transaction and account fees are waived for our suppliers.

All of our PO suppliers are required to register for this program. To get set up, simply send an email request to

After you’ve registered, you’ll receive orders and submit invoices electronically through Ariba. Invoicing can be done from anywhere on any computer, laptop, smartphone, or tablet.


To avoid payment delays, make sure your invoice details are complete and accurate. Also, confirm that your invoice is submitted through the proper channels for payment processing.

Your invoice must be addressed to BC Hydro and include the following:

  • Invoice number
  • Invoice date
  • Your company remittance name and address
  • Contact name and email address of the person responsible for your invoicing process
  • Name and email address of your BC Hydro contact (if not a PO invoice)
  • GST/HST Registration Number (if applicable)
  • Quantity and unit price, or transaction details
  • Total invoice value, with taxes separated and clearly identified
  • A correct PO number for material-based POs
  • A correct PO number and an approved Service Entry Sheet (SES) number for service-based POs

When the order is fulfilled:

  • Prepare your invoice according to the information in the What to include on your invoice section above.
  • Email the invoice as a PDF attachment to your BC Hydro customer for approval and processing.

You can submit these invoices after the materials are shipped. We’ll process your invoice once we confirm the goods are received.

  • If you’re an eInvoicing supplier, you need to submit your invoices through Ariba. See the BC Hydro eInvoicing User Guide [PDF, 3.9 MB] for instructions.
  • If you’re a non-eInvoicing supplier, first prepare your invoice as per the What to include on your invoice section. Then, save each invoice as a PDF, and email it to for processing. You can attach up to five individual PDF invoices per email.
  • Invoice First eInvoicing suppliers
  • Standard eInvoicing suppliers
    • Once services are rendered, provide a pro-forma invoice to the Contract Admin named on the PO.
    • The Contract Admin will create the SES, have it approved, and send it to your Ariba account. At this point, you can submit your invoice from Ariba.
    • See the BC Hydro eInvoicing User Guide [PDF, 3.9 MB] for instructions.
  • Non-eInvoicing suppliers
    • After services are rendered, provide a pro-forma invoice to the Contract Admin named on the PO.
    • The Contract Admin will have the SES created and approved. Next, they’ll provide you with the approved SES number for your invoice.
    • Prepare your invoice as per the What to include on your invoice section. Then, save each invoice as a PDF, and email it to for processing. You can attach up to five individual PDF invoices per email.

Mass uploading Service Entry Sheets

A Service Entry Sheet (SES) is an electronic record of multiple services performed for BC Hydro for a given period. Using our Mass Upload tool (SC038) users and vendors that have been trained and granted access can create and upload multiple SESs at a time.

You can download instructions for using SC038 here [PDF, 639 KB] and the applicable and fillable SC038 excel templates below. 

We recommend downloading the applicable SC038 file below for each new upload instead of reusing a saved file, as we’ll occasionally make system updates that will cause older versions of the file to fail when uploaded. Additionally, the template format and fields cannot be modified from their original version as it will also cause the upload to fail.  Vendors are encouraged to refer to their specific training materials provided with detailed instructions for their contracts.

SC038 templates


Canadian suppliers receive payment by direct deposit using Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) or in, some cases, cheque. International suppliers receive payment by wire transfer.

We pay invoices based on the payment terms, from the date a complete and accurate invoice is received.

Many suppliers prefer EFT because payment is made directly to their bank account. Contact your BC Hydro representative if you would like to be set up for EFT.

Want to receive payments even earlier? Our Ariba suppliers can take advantage of Early Payment Offers (EPO).

Early payment offers for eInvoicing suppliers

Our Early Payment Offer program (EPO) allows our eInvoicing suppliers to take early payment in exchange for a discount. If you’re not on Ariba yet, please contact the Accounts Payable Helpdesk to get set up.

EPOs are easy to use, completely optional and can be accepted on an invoice-by-invoice basis. Suppliers can choose the payment discount they want to accept, or simply ignore the offer to be paid on the scheduled payment date. See the EPO section of the BC Hydro eInvoicing User Guide [PDF, 3.9 MB]

Keep your company information up to date

When your company information changes, it’s important to let us know as soon as possible. We rely on these details to do business with you.

eInvoicing suppliers, please update your Company Profile and Account Settings directly within your Ariba account. Then, contact your BC Hydro Rep to update your information in our systems. See the BC Hydro eInvoicing User Guide [PDF, 3.9 MB] section; Keep Your Account Current, for more information.

Questions and support

Invoice First eInvoicing supplier support
Account set up, invoicing support
Invoice First Lump Sum eInvoicing Guide [PDF, 911 KB]

Service Entry Sheets (SES)
Availability, revisions, and status
Contract admin named on your PO
Purchase Orders (PO)
Availability, terms and conditions, and status
Contract admin, BC Hydro rep, or buyer named on your PO
Goods receipt Buyer named on your PO
eInvoicing Guide
Help with configuring your Ariba account, receiving orders, and submitting invoices for payment, as well as troubleshooting
BC Hydro eInvoicing User Guide [PDF, 3.9 MB]
Accounts payable
Help with setting up electronic payment, registering for Ariba, or invoicing/payment inquiries and support
Accounts Payable Helpdesk