How to install an EV charger at a multi-unit residential building

If you're a condo, apartment or townhome resident (or group of residents) looking to install electric vehicle (EV) chargers in your building, it can be difficult to know where to start. We've outlined the steps involved in the process below and provided some helpful resources and tips.
Support to get started
Need help navigating the process? If you're working on making your building ready for EVs, there is free professional support available.
You can get up to five hours of free advice and planning assistance from an expert in EV charging and equipment.
Learn about rebates
Two different provincial rebate options are available to help support EV charging in apartment, condo and townhome complexes.
The EV Ready option is a set of three cohesive rebates for your project:
- creating an EV Ready plan for your building
- installing the electrical infrastructure to implement your plan
- purchasing and installing the chargers to implement your plan
The second option is the standalone EV charger rebate.
Installation steps
Step 1: Get permission
To install an EV charger at your apartment or condo building, you'll need to get permission from your building manager or strata council. We're here to help you prepare your request.
On May 11, 2023, the Government of B.C. implemented Bill 22 [PDF] of the Strata Property Act. This allows stratas to pass EV-related decisions with just a majority vote, instead of a three-quarter vote.
There are 3 steps you'll need to take in order to get approval to install EV charging in your building:
Before you prepare your written request, ensure you have all the necessary information. This includes knowing:
- What kind of charging do you need? Is Level 1 sufficient or do you need Level 2? Find out more about choosing an EV charger.
- What kind of access is required? Will the charging happen in a private or shared stall(s)? Will it be open to any EV driver?
- What is the distance between where you want to park your EV and an electrical outlet?
- Does your building already have EV charging? Talk to the people using the charger to understand what the installation process was.
- Is there an existing EV policy in your building? If there is, get a copy and read it so that you know the process.
- Do other people in your building also want EV charging? The more people who are interested, the more convincing your request will be.
Using the information you gathered, you can begin to put together your request. You'll need to submit a written request for EV charging to your building manager or strata council.
You should indicate what type of charger is needed – Level 1 or Level 2 – and where the charger will be located. You'll need to indicate the construction and installation implications for your preferred options.
You can also explain the additional benefits that come with installing EV charging:
- Attract and retain engaged residents
- Increase revenues
- Help your building meet new and emerging standards introduced by municipalities and the province
- Increase the value of the property
- Meet sustainability goals
Make sure your building manager or strata council know about the EV charging rebates available for apartment/condo buildings. These rebates help fund EV chargers and related infrastructure.
Approval of your request must come from the building owner or strata council. Depending on the specific bylaws and rules, stratas may need to get approval from homeowners. You should work with your strata council to inform homeowners about all the benefits of having EV chargers.
Make sure the EV charger agreement is in writing, and consider including the following information:
- Who owns the charger
- Who will arrange the purchase and installation of the equipment
- Who will pay for it
- Who will pay for charger maintenance
- How will the cost of electricity be paid for
Once the agreement is in place, you can begin to arrange installation.
Step 2: Hire an electrician
Hire a certified electrician, preferably one who has completed the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Training program. You can find a qualified electrician through our Alliance of Energy Professionals.
Step 3: Pick a location
Ideally, the location you pick should work with your building's existing electrical system. You should also try to pick a location that works for all EV drivers in your building.
Step 4: Check your electrical system
Before you install an EV charger, you'll need to find out if your building has capacity to accommodate the additional load from EV charging. For this reason, we require you hire an electrician. They can help conduct a load calculation as part of the electrical permitting process and determine what charging options are available.
To make this step easier, we can provide you with a report showing your building's meter usage data over the last 12 months. Your electrician can use this information to confirm that there is sufficient electrical capacity to support your EV charging.
You and/or your electrician can request your building's data online.
Step 5: Review building rules
Read over your building's rules and bylaws relating to EV charging. You'll need to plan to make any necessary changes and updates.
Step 6: Draft user agreement
Establish a framework for user agreements with residents. Here, you may need to consult with a lawyer.
Step 7: Select your chargers
Choose the rebate-eligible EV charger models that will best suit tenants' and visitors' needs. Your electrician can work with you to choose a charger that meets these needs. Discover the options available by visiting our list of eligible chargers for apartments and workplaces.
Step 8: Rebate pre-approval
Submit a pre-approval application to get a rebate on the purchase and installation of the chargers.
To meet our eligibility criteria, you'll need to receive pre-approval before purchasing or installing chargers.
Step 9: Installation
Once you receive pre-approval for EV charger funding, you're ready to install the equipment. Your electrician will help obtain the necessary permits for the installation. Once complete, they will ensure that the work is inspected by your municipality (or Technical Safety BC).
You'll also need to ensure your electrician fills out a contract installation form and submits it to you. Keep this document on-hand, as you'll need to include it in your EV charger rebate application.
There are a few versions of the form. Download and complete the contractor installation form that's right for your project.
Step 10: Rebate application
Gather your documentation and submit your application for a rebate online.
Cost considerations
You'll need to create a plan for how to allocate and share costs related to the EV chargers. This includes the purchase and installation of the chargers, maintenance as needed, and the ongoing electricity use for charging.
There are a lot of good resources available to help your strata or residents' group get started. You can start by visiting PlugIn BC for information, including a guide for strata properties. The guide outlines the technology, requirements, costs, and rules associated with EV charger installation, and how to manage these considerations.
The prices for Level 2 EV chargers vary depending on several factors. One factor to consider is the number of vehicles they can charge at once. To be eligible for charger rebates, choose a networked charger from our database of rebate eligible chargers for apartments and workplaces.
Once your EV chargers are installed, there are a few different ways you can track and bill electricity costs for charging for your building. Learn about apartment metering and billing costs.