Tackling GHGs? Look to both CleanBC and BC Hydro

Resources available for energy coaching and consultation
Part four of our four-part series on BC Hydro's Electrification Plan commercial program incentives.
You can't blame customers for feeling that "electrification" of their operations isn't at the top of their priority list. They've got a lot going on. But when they do show interest in a fuel-switching initiative – from heat pumps to electrification of their vehicle fleet – you, as an Alliance member, can get them the help they need.
There's free energy coaching for customers available from CleanBC. Plus, Alliance members may be surprised to find that a call with the program manager is very much a possibility.
"I am 100% open to calls with consultants, and it's something I've done fairly often," says Hansi Liu-Atkinson, BC Hydro's electrification program manager. "I'm happy to have a discussion to go over the program and the expectations."
What sort of questions does Liu-Atkinson get from Alliance members? She says it tends to be around processes, details of applications, eligibility, and funding questions. She sees it as a win-win, as the program needs to grow more responsive to customer needs.
"One of the things we're focussing on is the time it takes to review applications," says Liu-Atkinson. "A general point of feedback we get – and it doesn't matter which sector it is – is that they'd like to see the process streamlined, from the pre-screen review and studies review, right on through, as much as possible."
Not up to speed on fuel-switching incentives? Contact us – by email or by phone at 604 522 4713 (Lower Mainland) or 1 866 522 4713 – and perhaps we'll even set something up with program manager Liu-Atkinson. But first, here's a reminder of what those incentives are all about.
Heat pumps (and more) at the heart of electrification
CleanBC's greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction programs focus on the move away from HVAC systems run on fossil fuels in favour of electric heat pumps, but also include water heating and even cooking appliances.
The key qualification for fuel-switching projects is that they meet program and efficiency guidelines and that they deliver quantifiable GHG emission reductions.
"The CleanBC offering has been in market for over three years," says Oscar Ceron, BC Hydro senior program manager who has worked closely with the Government of BC on CleanBC offers. "The offers are robust, customers are engaging and projects are getting done all the time. It's an amazing program."
A streamlined prescriptive offer is CleanBC's Commercial Express program which includes:
- Rooftop air-to-air heat pumps (make-up or mixed air) with electric or gas backup
- Air source VRF distributed heat pumps
- Air-to-air heat pumps (ductless or mini-split)
- Air-to-water CO2 heat pump water heaters
- Electric induction food preparation equipment
- Sewage heat recovery heat pumps
This offer does not require an Energy Study, allowing customers who may not have sufficient time, expertise, or resources to participate in CleanBC.
Eligible buildings include small offices, strip mall retail, restaurant/food services, warehouses, school gymnasiums, and multi-unit residential, which opens up the program to those without key account managers.
The program is available to BC Hydro customers on either the Small General Service (SGS), Medium General Service (MGS), or Large General Service (LGS) rate. Projects not eligible for the Commercial Express program may be eligible for CleanBC's Custom or Custom-lite programs.
Energy study and capital funding available, too
CleanBC's Custom and Custom-Lite programs offer up to 50% energy study funding for eligible businesses, along with attractive capital funding incentives.
For larger commercial fuel-switching retrofits, the Custom program offers energy study funding up to $20,000, while the Custom-Lite program has a limit of $2,000 in energy study funding. Both include capital incentives that include additional incentives for operations in the north (defined as 100 Mile House and north).
What's Alliance's role in CleanBC programs?
CleanBC energy studies are a natural fit for many Alliance members, notably engineering firms that can attract and retain clients by funnelling them through the program. But Ceron says getting Alliance members involved in Commercial Express offers can be trickier.
"Commercial Express is great for customers because they just need to answer a few questions and they get an incentive offer," says Ceron. "They often don't need an engineering firm to help with the application."
Ceron adds that while there may be no initial monetary gains for Alliance members in doing a study, he'd love to see them get involved.
"There's the potential for value add here," he says. "It's like 'Hey, I've talked to you about Custom and Custom-Lite, and as an Alliance member we could do a study for you. And I understand you have another business across town that can take advantage of the Express program. I can help facilitate that and even connect you with an energy coach."
CleanBC's Small Buildings Energy Coach program is a free service aimed at helping building owners and operators reduce GHGs through fuel-switching and electrification. It's designed for customers whose buildings (up to a maximum of 75,000 square feet who use natural gas for space heating or domestic hot-water heating and who don't have a BC Hydro key account manager.
Ceron is also a big fan of the case studies and discussions around electrification in B.C. covered on the Building to Electrification Coalition (B2E) website. Recent features include Is using a heat pump in the north feasible?.