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Incentives for electric fleet planning and infrastructure

Our electric vehicle (EV) fleet incentive program helps businesses across B.C. get ready for electric fleet vehicles through funding for professional planning and electrical infrastructure.

About the program

If you're planning to electrify your fleet of vehicles, we have programs to support you in the process. Financial incentives are available for the costs of:

Fleet electrification requires careful planning to realize the benefits of electric vehicle adoption while ensuring the performance and functionality of your fleet is maintained. Our EV fleet program can help your organization determine how to convert some or all of your gas-powered light-, medium- and heavy-duty fleet vehicles to electric.

EV Ready fleet plan rebate

We provide funding to hire a fleet electrification expert to perform a fleet assessment and help identify charging requirements and electrical infrastructure needs. Funding availability subject to change.

The offer

A rebate of 50% of planning costs (excluding GST) up to a maximum of $15,000.

New applicants: Submit your proposal

Once you have a proposal (quote) for the costs to create your EV Ready fleet plan, apply for pre-approval for this rebate by submitting your proposal to us. If pre-approved, you'll be eligible to receive a rebate towards the costs of creating the full plan.

Make sure it meets the EV Ready fleet plan proposal requirements  [PDF, 49 KB].

Inform your consultant that, in addition to your plan, you're going to need them to complete an EV Ready fleet workbook [XLSX, 41 KB]. It's a required document for returning applicants, and you can prepare by ensuring your proposal accounts for the effort and cost to complete it.

Apply for pre-approval

Returning applicants: Submit your plan

If you were pre-approved by BC Hydro for EV Ready fleet plan funding, and your plan is now completed and paid for, submit your plan to get your rebate.

Make sure your plan meets the EV Ready fleet plan requirements [PDF, 229 KB], and that your consultant has also completed the EV Ready fleet workbook [XLSX, 41 KB].

Submit your plan

Organizations must have Class 1 through 8 vehicles (which can include pickup trucks) in their fleet to be eligible.

Vehicle class chart

Select the image [JPG] to view it at a larger size.

New applicants applying for pre-approval will need to provide:

  • EV Fleet ready plan proposal – A copy of the proposal from the electrical contractor or consultant including the company or individual's name, description of services and estimated fees to create the EV Ready fleet plan.

Returning applicants will need to provide:

  • Application number
  • EV Ready fleet plan – A copy of the professionally created plan to electrify your fleet.
  • EV Ready fleet plan invoice – A copy of the paid invoice for the creation of the plan.
  • EV Ready fleet workbook – Our template for documenting how your EV Ready fleet plan will be implemented, completed by the professional who created your plan. Download template [XLSX, 41 KB].

Please note that you'll have six months from the date of your signed EV Ready fleet plan agreement to create the plan.

Once you submit your plan, we’ll review your documentation and, if approved, will: 

  • Process your rebate payment for the plan costs, and 
  • Determine the incentive amount you're eligible for to help offset the costs for the electrical infrastructure work needed at your site(s) to fulfill your EV Ready fleet plan.  If you choose to accept the incentive funding, we’ll ask you to sign an agreement before you move forward with your electrical infrastructure project.

Electrical infrastructure incentive

Pre-approved customers can get funding for the cost of installing the electrical infrastructure in accordance with an approved EV Ready fleet plan. Funding availability subject to change.

Some projects may qualify for the electrical infrastructure incentive without an EV Ready fleet plan. See eligibility for more information.

The offer

  • Up to 50% of infrastructure costs, not including charging equipment.
  • Funding amount is determined based on a review of costs, electrification opportunities, emission savings, and the overall business case.

Returning applicants: Submit your infrastructure invoices

For customers who were pre-approved by BC Hydro for electrical infrastructure and have a signed infrastructure funding agreement with us. Once your infrastructure installation is complete, submit your invoices to get the rebate.

Submit your invoices

You must have an EV Ready fleet plan that's been approved by BC Hydro, and have received pre-approval for electrical infrastructure funding based on that plan.

Note: Some projects may qualify for the electrical infrastructure incentive without an EV Ready fleet plan. Please contact your Key Account Manager or our EV Fleet Team to check.

To apply without an EV Ready fleet plan, you'll need to complete and submit the EV Ready fleet program workbook [XLSX, 41 KB] via email.

  • Application number
  • Installation invoices
  • Electrical permit number and proof of inspection

You'll also be asked to declare that the installation was completed in accordance with the terms of your agreement and that the minimum number of zero-emission vehicles is met.

Your project must be complete and your required documents submitted to us by the in-service date as noted in your infrastructure funding agreement.

If you've previously received funding from BC Hydro for an approved EV Ready fleet plan, but didn't proceed with electrical infrastructure funding at the time, you can re-apply at a later date.

This option is for customers who have already been approved for the EV Ready fleet plan and are now ready to continue with the electrical infrastructure work. We'll use the site information we have on file from your initial application.

Re-apply for electrical infrastructure

You'll need:

  • Application number
  • Revised EV Ready fleet plan (if applicable)
  • Revised EV Ready fleet plan workbook (if applicable)

EV fleet pilot project incentive

We provide funding for short-term trials of commercial battery EVs. Funding amounts are based on an evaluation of the scope of work, the projected benefits and value proposition, in addition to the associated costs for the testing. This can include:

  • Short-term, temporary operational testing of a light-, medium- or heavy-duty battery EV.
  • Short-term, temporary deployment of EV charging infrastructure or mobile power solutions to support demonstration projects.
  • Research and testing of charging strategies and/or vehicle performance.

Funding availability subject to change.

Organizations must have Class 1 through 8 vehicles (which can include pickup trucks) in their fleet to be eligible.

  1. Submit an EV fleet pilot project application.
  2. We’ll review your application to determine your project’s eligibility.
  3. If approved, we’ll send you a funding agreement for the project, including the amount of funding we’ll be able to provide.

Funding will be on a reimbursement basis in accordance with your agreement. You’ll need to submit copies of all paid invoices and any other required documents or reports as identified in your agreement.

EV fleet pilot project application

Connect with us

If you have questions about our EV fleet incentives or would like more information, you can email us. If you have Key Account Manager for your business, you can reach out to them directly.