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System Operating Orders

Our operating procedures enable the safe, reliable and efficient operation of the power system. We develop operating procedures in consideration of safety standards, industry reliability criteria, equipment capabilities and environmental obligations. We develop operating procedures using simulations of the power system.

Digital copies of the System Operating Orders are no longer available on our website. They can now be accessed via the BCRC Extranet website. If you do not have access to the BCRC Extranet, please email with your reasons for needing this information.

Policy and Standards Orders

Number Title
SOO 1T-22 Outage Scheduling and Coordination 

Facility Ratings Orders

Number Title
SOO 5T-10 Ratings For All Transmission Circuits 60 kV Or Higher 
SOO 5T-14 Ratings for All Transmission and Distribution Transmformers
SOO 7T-22 System Voltage Control

Composite Network Orders

Number Title
SOO 7T-13 G.M. Shrum / Peace Canyon 500 kV System  
SOO 7T-13 Att 4 7T-13 Attachment 4 ILM 500 kV System Operation 
SOO 7T-13 Att 6 7T-13 Attachment 6 ILM 500 kV System Operation 
SOO 7T-14 Bridge River - Lower Mainland Interconnection
SOO 7T-14 Att 1 Bridge River - Lower Mainland Interconnection Generation Shedding Requirements
SOO 7T-17 BC - Alberta Interconnection
SOO 7T-18 BC - US Interconnection 
SOO 7T-25 Bridge River 1 - Seton - Carquille - 100 Mile House 60 kV Operation
SOO 7T-30 North Coast Interconnection
SOO 7T-33 South Interior Subsystem
SOO 7T-34 South Interior Generation Shedding and Outage Requirements 
SOO 7T-34 Att1 SI 500 kV Operation (2L277 Connected to NLY) 
SOO 7T-34 Att2 SEL 230 kV / 500 kV Operation (2L277 Connected to NLY) 
SOO 7T-35 Peace 138/230/500 kV Network Operation 
SOO 7T-40 Cheekye-Dunsmuir 500 kV System
SOO 7T-41 Vancouver Island System Operation
SOO 7T-62 Unscheduled Flow (USF) Reduction Procedure
SOO 7T-64 Rotational Energy to Support Transfer Limits