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2021 IRP Indigenous Nations consultation documents

Thank you to the 85 Indigenous Nations, Tribal Councils and Indigenous organizations who participated in our Clean Power 2040 consultation process.

You can read how we considered and incorporated your input and feedback in Chapter 4 of our Application to the BC Utilities Commission [PDF, 522 KB]

What we heard from you 

Below you'll find the summary reports, along with the presentation decks and summary notes from the various Indigenous consultation activities we undertook through the two phases of our Clean Power 2040 engagement.

During the fall and winter of 2020/2021, we sought Indigenous input as we began the development of our Plan.

We've compiled the input into our Fall 2020 Indigenous Nations consultation summary report [PDF, 1.84 MB]


Below are the consultation activities undertaken in Fall 2020.

Regional Workshop

Presentation and Workshop Summary

November 27, 2020 – Southern Interior regional workshop

Presentation [PDF, 1.55 MB]
Summary [PDF, 297 KB]

December 1, 2020 – Lower Mainland/Vancouver Island regional workshop

Presentation [PDF, 1.58 MB]
Summary [PDF, 273 KB]

December 2, 2020 – North regional workshop

Presentation [PDF, 1.87 MB]
Summary [PDF, 294 KB]

Phase 2 of our Indigenous consultation took place during the summer of 2021, during which we sought Indigenous feedback on our draft Integrated Resource Plan.

The feedback we heard is compiled in the Summer 2021 Indigenous Nations engagement report [PDF, 847 KB]

Below are the consultation activities undertaken in Summer 2021:

Regional Workshop

Presentation and Workshop Summary

June 22, 2021 - North regional workshop

June 23, 2021- Lower Mainland/Vancouver Island regional workshop

June 24, 2021 - Southern Interior regional workshop