Community energy managers, internships and co-op students

Funding to hire sustainability experts
Through our Sustainable Communities program we’re providing funding to local governments to hire sustainability professionals and advance their clean energy initiatives. Community energy managers and other industry specialists provide expertise on how to lower carbon emissions, improve sustainability and achieve your climate action goals.
The offers
We provide funding for local governments to hire sustainable energy professionals, including community energy managers, co-op students and interns, and UBC sustainability scholars.
Community energy managers
We’ll help you connect with a reputable energy manager and provide funding to hire them to advance your sustainability initiatives.
We'll provide up to 50% of the salary of a full-time senior staff member (to a maximum of $50,000 per year) for two years (funding reviewed and renewed annually).
An energy manager can help lead and implement energy and emissions planning and energy projects including:
- Drive development and implementation of community energy and emissions plans.
- Lead policy development and implementation to advance energy conservation and efficiency.
- Act as a champion and project manager for key energy efficiency initiatives.
- Raise awareness about our energy efficiency programs and incentives available to residents and businesses in your community.
Your local government or regional district is within our service area [PDF, 176 KB] and meets one of the following criteria:
- Population over 75,000
- Champion community – population over 20,000 with a council-approved CEEP (or equivalent) and demonstrated leadership in electricity demand-side management
To learn about how your community could benefit from a community energy manager or apply, email us.
Eligible local governments can receive a salary subsidy to fill student community to support energy-efficiency and sustainability projects in their community. We'll provide up to 50% of the salary costs associated with hiring an intern or co-op student to a maximum of $7,000 per 4-month term.
Interns and co-op students can support activities including:
- Development, implementation, and evaluation of policy to support or incent energy efficient buildings and land use, including:
- Density bonuses
- Rezoning policy
- Development cost charges
- Revitalization tax exemptions.
- Advance energy efficiency program uptake through local government processes and channels, including:
- Building permits
- Co-incentives for water and ENERGY STAR® appliances
- Fire and building code inspections, recreation programming for low income households and more.
- Development, delivery and evaluation of engagement activities or programs to encourage energy conservation behaviour changes in your community.
To learn about how your community could benefit from an intern or co-op student or apply, email us.
UBC Sustainability Scholars are an excellent resource, and we provide funding to help you retain a scholar to move your climate action projects forward. The UBC Sustainability Scholars program runs from May to August of each year with an annual call for projects taking place each fall/winter.
Learn more about the UBC Sustainability Scholars Program here.
This peer network focuses on high performance new construction, providing support and collaboration on topics like Step Code metric updates, industry training, incentives, and BC Building Code updates.
Support for sustainable transportation expansion including public charging networks, EV-readiness bylaws, fleet electrification, incentives, and EV awareness and education.
Connect with a community actively improving energy performance and lowering carbon emissions of existing buildings, both residential and non-residential.
For more information or to join any of the peer networks, email us.