Lighting system design

Funding to install energy-efficient lighting in commercial new construction
The lighting system design offer provides funding to install energy-efficient lighting and controls in your next commercial new construction project. Work with us to create a lighting system that’s more efficient than current building codes.
The offer
Get funding to install energy-efficient lighting and controls that exceed current building code requirements. Your incentive will be calculated based on the incremental project costs of improving the lighting and control efficiency of your building above what is already required. Depending on your payback period, incentives could range from 2 to 5 cents per kWh/year of energy savings.
How it works
Here are the steps involved in the lighting system design offer:
- Select your Alliance member: Select a lighting expert who is a member of the Alliance of Energy Professionals.
- Pre-proposal meeting: Connect with your Key Account Manager (KAM) to arrange a pre proposal meeting, including BC Hydro and your lighting expert, to discuss your project’s scope and technical requirements before submitting a completed lighting calculator.
- Submit application: To submit the application, your KAM will require a completed new construction lighting calculator.
- Application approval: Once your application is approved with a signed agreement, you can begin installing your lighting equipment.
- Project completion: Once your project is complete, send us all completion documents listed in your agreement package. We’ll review your documents and process the incentive payment.
Your new commercial building project must:
- Be a new construction or major building retrofit
- Be located in BC Hydro’s service area, including New Westminster.
- Have potential incremental electricity savings of at least 25,000 kWh per year.
How to Apply
Applications are submitted by your Key Account Manager. Contact them to apply. If you’re not sure who to talk to, contact our business help desk at 1 866 522 4713.