Consultation & Engagement
Consultations continue
In support of the environmental assessment process for the Mica Generating Station Unit 5 and Unit 6 Projects, BC Hydro continues to consult with federal, provincial and local government, First Nations, interested groups, and individual stakeholders. In 2008, BC Hydro convened two consultative committees.
The Mica Units 5 and 6 Core Committee reached consensus on:
- A list of the incremental impacts of the Mica Units 5 and 6
- Recommended mitigation and compensation strategies to address project impacts
- Recommended revisions to the Columbia River Water Use Plan to address the operation of additional units at Mica.
The Mica Unit 5 Transmission Committee reached consensus on:
- A preferred location for the new capacitor station along the existing Mica to Nicola 500 kV transmission line.
The Committee also provided input on studies completed to provide information for the environmental assessment of the project.
First Nations
BC Hydro continues to work with First Nations that have interests in the area, including the Ktunaxa, Shuswap and Okanagan Nations, and their respective bands and/or Tribal Councils to further identify means to mitigate, minimize and otherwise accommodate any concerns or issues relating to the Projects.
We want to hear from you
If you would like more information about the Mica Unit 5 and Mica Unit 6 Projects, please contact us:
Jennifer Walker-Larsen
Stakeholder Engagement Advisor, BC Hydro
1200 Powerhouse Road, Revelstoke, B.C.
Phone: 250 814 6645