In reference to BC Hydro’s OATT Rate Schedule 01, the discounted paths (“D”) pertaining to Table 1 in BC Hydro’s Posting of Transmission Service Offerings Business Practice are applied to Hourly and Daily Short-Term Point-To-Point Transmission Service, and are applicable for both Firm and Non-Firm Transmission.
The prices are constant and will only be updated if a change in the prices occurs.
The discounted rates are as follows:
Monday to Saturday:
- Hourly On Peak (HLH): $3.00/MW-hr Reserved
- Hourly Off Peak (LLH): $1.00/MW-hr Reserved
- Daily: $56 / MW-day reserved
Sunday & NERC Holidays:
- Hourly: $1.00/MW-hr Reserved
- Daily: $24.00/MW-hr Reserved