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2019 Bulletin Index - January to April

We periodically post bulletins here to inform customers of developments within BC Hydro Transmission and/or the industry and/or to solicit feedback on policy changes. These announcements can be time sensitive, so please subscribe for the updates.

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Our Transmission Scheduling bulletins for 2019 are listed below. Select another year to the right to view bulletins from the archive.

View the 2019 bulletins

January to April

2019 Network Economy Meeting

Posted on April 25, 5:00 p.m.

Pursuant to British Columbia Utilities Commission (BCUC) Order No. G-127-06, Appendix 1, the BCUC directed BC Hydro, then BCTC, to convene annual Network Economy Meetings to discuss, on a "without prejudice" basis issues arising with respect to the use of Network Economy. A standing agenda item for these meetings is to review the use of, and continued requirement for, a different Trigger Price (as defined in Section 1, Attachment Q-2).

For the last several years, BC Hydro solicited customer feedback to determine whether or not there was an interest to hold the annual meeting; there was a lack of interest in all years. However, in 2009 it was suggested that a meeting may not be necessary if BC Hydro prepared an annual Network Economy report showing trends and statistics along with explanations for the figures. Notwithstanding, it was requested that the requirement for an annual meeting remain in place. Subsequently, BC Hydro applied to the BCUC to not hold the Network Economy Annual Meeting in 2009 and to instead post an annual Network Economy report in lieu of holding the meeting, which was approved by the BCUC.

In 2010, BC Hydro requested permission from the BCUC to, again, not hold an annual Network Economy Meeting. Pursuant to BCUC Letter No. L-45-10, BC Hydro is only expected to convene an annual Network Economy Meeting if customers of BC Hydro expressly ask for a meeting by way of a letter to BC Hydro with a copy to the BCUC. BC Hydro is pleased to post its Annual Network Economy Report to Transmission Customers, which covers the same issues and in the same format as previous years. If, after reviewing the report, you believe an annual meeting is required, please send your letter to Brenda Ambrosi and copy the BCUC by May 10, 2019.

Long-Term PTP Transmission Queue

Posted on April 25, 2:15 p.m.

The Long Term PTP Transmission Queue has been revised. Previous version of the updates can be viewed at Archived LTPTP Transmission Queue Updates.

Long-Term Point-to-Point Competition

Posted on April 5, 4:25 p.m.

On 29 March 2019, BCPS submitted two Rollover Requests with ARef Nos. 88844464 and 88844465 in the request type of RENEWAL to extend its existing contracts associated to ARef Nos. 79062900 and 73984037 respectively.

Pursuant to BC Hydro’s Business Practice on Rollover Rights of Long-Term Firm Transmission Service:

BC Hydro has completed an evaluation of the Long-Term transmission requests currently in the queue and has identified one Competing Request, listed below, meeting the criteria set out under section 4:

ARef No. 79088251 submitted by BCPS on 2013-12-17 requesting 25MW transmission service from 2020-04-01 to 2026-04-01 on the BCHA to AESO path.

In the event of multiple Rollover Requests as indicated in section 5(f), the Rollover Request that was submitted last will be the first to match a Competing Request.  In this case, two Rollover Requests were received and the order to match a Competing Request is as follows:

  1. ARef No. 88844465, a RENEWAL request to extend the term of an existing service agreement to 2025-04-01.
  2. ARef No. 88844464, a RENEWAL request to extend the term of an existing service agreement to 2025-04-01.

BC Hydro will initiate a Competition on 8 April 2019, one at a time, and the customer with ARef No. 88844465 will be asked first to match the Competing Request. The following describes the steps that BC Hydro will carry out in executing the Competing Process:

  1. BC Hydro has notified BCPS, the Rollover Request customer, by email, of its Right of First Refusal (ROFR) pertaining to ARef No. 88844465 (the Rollover Request).
  2. BC Hydro will offer the customer with ARef No. 79088251 (the Competing Request), by email, 25 MW transmission service with a Start Time of 2020-04-01 and a Stop Time of 2026-04-01 on the condition that the Rollover Request customer does not exercise its ROFR.
  3. Once the Rollover Request customer has successfully matched, the Competing Process will continue with the next Rollover Request.
  4. BC Hydro will offer the Competing Request customer, by email, 25MW transmission service with a Start Time of 2020-04-01 and Stop Time of 2026-04-01 on the condition that the Rollover Request customer does not exercise its ROFR pertaining to ARef No. 88844464.
  5. The Competing Process will conclude if:

a. the Competing Request customer does not accept the offer or fails to respond within the prescribed timeline, the Rollover Request will be granted; or

b. the Rollover Request customer with ARef No. 88844465 fails to submit a matching request within three (3) Business Days after the day notification is made, the Competing Request will be granted; or

c. the Rollover Request customer has successfully submitted the matching requests and both the Rollover Requests will be granted.

Extended Windows for Good Friday

Posted on April 5, 11:44 a.m.

BC Hydro is pleased to visually clarify the opening of extended windows [PDF, 158KB] for purchasing transmission for Good Friday, April 19, 2019.

Conditional Firm Service Business Practice posted for Customer Comment

Posted on April 4, 2:37 p.m.

BC Hydro has amended its Business Practice on Conditional Firm Service (CFS) to provide clarification on offering of partial CFS by applying similar process used in sections 3.1 and 4.0 of the Long-Term Firm Point-to-Point Partial Service Business Practice. The revised business practice provides clarity and seamless transition when amending the partial to full CFS.  The key changes include:

  • Allowing the transmission customer to submit Supplementary TSR(s) to retain queue priority for the remaining capacity and/or term once the CFS Service Agreement is executed.
  • Allowing the transmission customer to update the COUNTEROFFER on OASIS to CONFIRMED status.
  • Allowing the offer of CFS when Partial Service is not available.  

Please provide your feedback on the Conditional Firm Service [PDF, 476 KB] Business Practice to Brenda Ambrosi on or before April 18, 2019.  BC Hydro may post the feedback received and respond to it in a subsequent bulletin.

F2020 OATT Interim Rates

Posted on April 4, 10:55 a.m.

Further to the bulletins posted on March 29 and 12, the BCUC executed BC Hydro’s interim tariff pages.  The executed tariff pages for OATT Attachment H, Schedule 00, Schedule 01, and Schedule 03 are located at the end of these rate schedules [PDF, 590 KB].

F2020 OATT Interim Rates 

Posted on March 29, 10:35 a.m.

Further to the bulletin posted on March 12, BCUC Order G-45-19 approved the OATT rates for F2020 as set out in Table 9-8 of the Application on an interim basis effective April 1, 2019.  Interim rates apply to Attachment H, Schedule 00, Schedule 01, and Schedule 03, which are located at the end of these rate schedules.

Long-Term Point-to-Point Competition

Posted on March 18, 3:30 p.m.

On 11 March 2019, BCPS submitted two Rollover Requests with ARef Nos. 88735296 and 88735297 in the Request Type of RENEWAL to extend its existing contracts associated to ARef Nos. 79062900 and 73984037 respectively. 

Pursuant to BC Hydro’s Business Practice on Rollover Rights of Long Term Firm Transmission Service

BC Hydro has completed an evaluation of the Long-Term transmission requests currently in the queue and has identified one Competing Request, listed below, meeting the criteria set out under section 4:

ARef No. 79088251 submitted by BCPS on 2013-12-17 requesting 25MW transmission service from 2020-04-01 to 2026-04-01 on the BCHA to AESO path.

In the event of multiple Rollover Requests as indicated in section 5(f), the Rollover Request that was submitted last will be the first to match a Competing Request.  In this case, two Rollover Requests were received and the order to match a Competing Request is as follows:

  1. ARef No. 88735297, a RENEWAL request to extend its existing service agreement to 2025-04-01.
  2. ARef No. 88735296, a RENEWAL request to extend its existing service agreement to 2025-04-01.

BC Hydro will initiate a Competition on 18 March 2019, one at a time and the customer with ARef No. 88735297 will be asked first to match the Competing Request. The following describes the steps that BC Hydro will carry out in executing the Competing Process:

  1. BC Hydro has notified BCPS, the Rollover Request customer, by email, of its Right of First Refusal (ROFR) pertaining to ARef No. 88735297 (the Rollover Request).
  2. BC Hydro will offer the customer with ARef No. 79088251 (the Competing Request), by email, 25 MW transmission service with a Start Time of 2020-04-01 and a Stop Time of 2026-04-01 on the condition that BCPS (the Rollover Request customer) does not exercise its ROFR.
  3. Once the Rollover Request customer has successfully matched, the Competing Process will continue with the next Rollover Request.
  4. BC Hydro will offer the Competing Request customer, by email, 25MW transmission service with a Start Time of 2020-04-01 and Stop Time of 2026-04-01 on the condition that the Rollover Request customer does not exercise its ROFR pertaining to ARef No. 88735296. 
  5. The Competing Process will conclude if: 

a) the Rollover Request customer with ARef No. 88735297 fails to submit a Matching Request within three (3) Business Days after the day notification is made, the Competing Request will be granted; or

b) the Competing Request customer does not accept the offer or fails to respond within the prescribed timeline, the Rollover Request will be granted; or

c) the Rollover Request customer has successfully submitted the Matching Requests and both the Rollover Requests will be granted.   

Extended Windows for New Month April 2019

Posted on March 15, 3:12 p.m.

BC Hydro is pleased to visually clarify the opening of extended windows [PDF, 150 KB] for purchasing transmission for the new month starting Monday, April 1, 2019.

F2020-F2021 Revenue Requirements Application

Posted on March 12, 12:12 p.m.

On February 25, 2019, BC Hydro filed its F2020-F2021 Revenue Requirements Application with the British Columbia Utilities Commission (BCUC).  All documents pertaining to this regulatory proceeding are located on the BCUC website. On March 12 and further to BCUC Order No. G-45-19, directive No. 5, BC Hydro provided a clean copy of its rate schedules  to the BCUC for approval including OATT Attachment H, Schedule 00, Schedule 01, and Schedule 03.

Network Economy Test Results - February 19, 2019

Posted on February 19, 3:53 p.m.

Network Economy Test Results for February 19, 2019 [PDF, 11 KB] did not post as expected on Saturday, February 16, 2019. Please reference this bulletin for the test results.

Network Economy Test Results for February 18, 2019 posted correctly as expected on February 16, 2019.

Extended Windows for Presidents Day

Posted on February 13, 12:05 p.m.

BC Hydro is pleased to visually clarify the opening of extended windows [PDF, 169 KB] for purchasing transmission for Presidents Day, Monday February 18, 2019.

Response to Posting of Transmission Service Offerings Business Practice Amendment Feedback

Posted on February 7, 4:30 p.m.

Further to the bulletin entitled Posting of Transmission Service Offerings Business Practice Amendment posted on January 11 @ 10:30am, BC Hydro received two responses from interested parties with the following summarized comments:

  1. BC Hydro was requested to remove certain transmission reservation equivalency requirements specified in its amended Transmission Service Offerings Business Practice (Business Practice) for the application of the $0 rate for Point-to-Point (PTP) Transmission Service;
  2.  A comment was made with respect to the clarification that if a customer sells its transmission service, the $0 rate is not applicable to that Resale service;
  3. A question was raised as to why ancillary services charges will apply on two neighbouring transmission systems if rate harmonization is meant to reflect a single transmission reservation;
  4. Questions were raised with respect to how BC Hydro consults with respect to amendments to its OATT business practices; and
  5. Some general comments were made with respect to the application of BC Hydro’s Open Access Same-Time Information System (OASIS), which BC Hydro believes require clarification.

1. Equivalency Requirements

BC Hydro was requested to remove certain of the equivalency requirements set out in its Business Practice.  Before addressing the substance of the comment, BC Hydro confirms that its amended Business Practice does not change the existing principle in its Business Practice that PTP reservations must be equivalent on both sides of a point of interconnection in order to qualify for rate harmonization.  In response to the first inquiry to BC Hydro about the application of the $0 rate to a potential new load in the Province, BC Hydro amended the Business Practice to provide further clarity and transparency as to what it will require from customers to meet the “equivalency” requirement since FortisBC does not operate an OASIS system (discussed more below). Prior to this inquiry, this detail was not required as no customers were seeking to apply the $0 rate. 

As clarified in our Business Practice, the intent behind the rate harmonization principle for BC Hydro has always been that the two transmission reservations must operate as if there were a single transmission reservation from the Point of Receipt in BC Hydro’s service area to the final Point of Delivery in FortisBC’s service area.  BC Hydro does not believe it is in its ratepayers’ best interest to change its proposed terms and conditions as requested. 

BC Hydro also notes that the equivalency requirements must only be met if a customer wants to receive the $0 rate for PTP Transmission Service – it does not affect a customer’s ability to take transmission service from BC Hydro and equivalency of reservations is not required if service is not requested at the $0 rate.

2. TSR Resales

In the amended Business Practice, BC Hydro clarified that if a Transmission Service Request (TSR) on its system was resold, it would not be eligible for rate harmonization.  A comment was  received that indicated this may cause financial harm to the original customer because of an inability to sell the transmission service through the Resale process. For clarity, BC Hydro is not prohibiting a customer from selling its transmission reservation through this Resale process; rather, this is a clarification that the customer selling the Resale service is not eligible for the $0 rate.  

3. Ancillary Services Charges

A question was posed as to whether the application of ancillary services charges on both the BC Hydro and FortisBC transmission systems is contradictory with the principle that rate harmonization is meant to reflect a single reservation.  To clarify, when BC Hydro included the statement “Rate harmonization is meant to mimic a transmission reservation as if it were on a single transmission system and charged one Point-to-Point Transmission Service rate,” it was referring to the application of the $0 rate to the transmission service charge as set out in Rate Schedule 01 to BC Hydro’s Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT).  The $0 rate does not apply to the application of other rate schedules. 

Sections 3 and 15.7 of BC Hydro’s OATT specify that: “Ancillary Services are needed with transmission service to maintain reliability within and among the Control Areas affected by the transmission service … The Transmission Customer or Eligible Customer will pay for Ancillary Services based on the amount of transmission service it used but did not reserve.” In section 2.4 of its decision attached to Order No. G-12-99 in which it approved rate harmonization, the Commission specifically did not approve further expansion of harmonization to include ancillary services and losses. 

BC Hydro does not believe these principles are contradictory.

4. BC Hydro’s Business Practice Consultation Practice

BC Hydro’s business practices provide policy and procedures for doing business with BC Hydro and include specific detail and/or clarification on the implementation of the OATT.  In addition to the OATT and business practices, the North American Energy Standards Board Wholesale Electric Quadrant business practice standards and the Western Electricity Coordinating Council regional criteria also apply in most, but not all, respects. 

BC Hydro’s standard practice for creating new business practices and/or making significant modifications to existing business practices are to post the documents for comment over a two week period. If significant modifications to a business practice are proposed during this process, these will be reviewed by BC Hydro and if such modifications are acceptable to BC Hydro, the business practice will be further amended and posted again for a further one week comment period. Submitted comments and/or BC Hydro’s responses to those comments may be posted for transparency purposes, as deemed appropriate. In the event that no comments are made on the proposed modifications, the amended business practice will be finalized and become effective shortly after the comment period concludes.  

To ensure notification is automatically sent to subscribed customers and other interested parties, including potential future customers, BC Hydro posts material amendments or new business practices on its Bulletins webpage.  As stated on the Bulletins webpage, BC Hydro “periodically posts bulletins to inform customers of developments within BC Hydro Transmission and/or the industry and/or to solicit feedback on policy changes.  As these announcements can be time sensitive” it is encouraged that customers “subscribe for the updates” to this webpage and any other webpages that interest the customer so that they receive automatic notifications of updates or changes. BC Hydro does not reach out to customers on an individual basis. This is the way BC Hydro communicates transparently and simultaneously to its customers on OATT related matters.

5. Clarifications

In the comments made, it was suggested that BC Hydro operates a virtual OASIS system on FortisBC’s behalf.  This is incorrect.  Pursuant to Section 1.30 of BC Hydro’s OATT, OASIS is “an information system operated by or for the Transmission Provider that satisfies North American industry standards (including those prescribed for US electric utilities by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and all Commission requirements (including standards of conduct).”  BC Hydro subscribes to an OASIS service that allows registered users to make reservations for transmission service on the BC Hydro transmission system; other Transmission Providers that have an OATT subscribe to a similar OASIS service.  OASIS was developed in compliance with the FERC order that all utilities that own or control transmission used to transmit electric energy in interstate commerce should participate in or have an OASIS.  OASIS is the entry point to direct wholesale transmission service access and comparability for all its users. For clarity, BC Hydro’s OASIS is only applicable to transmission service on the BC Hydro system and does not cover the FortisBC system.   

BC Hydro will not make further amendments to its Business Practice based on the feedback received.  As such, the amended Posting of Transmission Service Offerings Business Practice as posted on January 11 will become effective on February 22.

System Issues with OASIS

Posted on February 1, 11:35 a.m.

We experienced system issues with MODS and OASIS earlier today from approximately 9:30 a.m to 10:35 a.m.  There are currently TSRs that are still QUEUED in OASIS that we are addressing.  We appreciate your patience regarding this matter.

Processing of Firm Point-to-Point Partial Service Business Practice posted for Customer Comment

Posted on February 1, 10:25 a.m.

A new business practice entitled Processing of Long Term Firm Point-to-Point Partial Service has been developed to expand and amend the Partial Service standards currently stated under sections 3.3 and 5.0 of the Business Practice on Processing of Long Term Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service Requests.  The new business practice provides clarity and transparency when offering Partial Service.  The key changes include:

  • Allowing the transmission customer to submit Supplementary TSR(s) to retain queue priority for the remaining capacity and/or term once the Service Agreement for Partial Service is executed.
  • Allowing the transmission customer to update the COUNTEROFFER on OASIS to CONFIRMED status. 
  • Prohibiting the transmission customer from executing only the study agreement and not the Service Agreement for Partial Service. 
  • Prohibiting the transmission customer from retaining its position in the queue if it rejects the Service Agreement for Partial Service. 

Please provide your feedback on the Processing of Long Term Firm Point-to-Point Partial Service Business Practice to Brenda Ambrosi on or before February 15, 2019.  BC Hydro may post the feedback received and respond to it in a subsequent bulletin. 

Network Economy Test Results - January 22, 2019

Posted on January 17, 4:41 p.m.

Network Economy Test Results for January 22, 2019 [PDF, 11 KB] did not post as expected this evening. Please reference this bulletin for the test results.

Network Economy Test Results for January 19, 20 and 21 were posted correctly as expected.

Posting of Transmission Service Offerings Business Practice Amendment

Posted on January 11, 10:30 a.m.

BC Hydro has amended its Posting of Transmission Service Offerings Business Practice to provide clarification on the rate harmonization provision of BC Hydro’s OATT. The business practice specifies that an OATT customer can receive the $0 rate per OATT Rate Schedule 01 if they can demonstrate that they have an equivalent PTP transmission reservation on the FortisBC system as is on the BC Hydro system.  The amendments provide more information as to what is required to demonstrate that a PTP request is equivalent and if an OASIS TSR cannot be provided. The amended language is indicated by a vertical line in the right margin on pages 6 and 7 of the amended business practice.   Please provide any feedback on this clarification to Brenda Ambrosi on or before January 25, 2019.  BC Hydro may post the feedback received and respond to it in a subsequent bulletin.

Extended Windows for Martin Luther King Day

Posted on January 10, 12:11 p.m.

BC Hydro is pleased to visually clarify the opening of extended windows [PDF, 169 KB] for purchasing transmission for Martin Luther King Day, Monday January 21, 2019.

Long Term Point-to-Point Competition

Posted on January 7, 3:00 p.m.   

On December 27, 2018, BCPS submitted ARef# 88270677 with Request Type of RENEWAL for 45 MW to extend its existing contract associating to ARef# 79062889.

BC Hydro has completed an evaluation of the Long-Term transmission requests currently in the queue and has identified one request asking for a six year term as the Competing Request.  This Competing Request, listed below, has met the criteria set out under section 4 of BC Hydro’s Rollover Rights of Long Term Firm Transmission Service Business Practice:

ARef# 79088250 for 45 MW queued on 2013-12-17 submitted by BCPS requesting transmission service from 2020-01-01 to 2026-01-01.

Pursuant to section 5 of the Rollover Rights of Long Term Firm Transmission Service Business Practice, BC Hydro will initiate a Competition on January 8, 2019. The following describes the steps BC Hydro will carry out in executing the Competing Process:

  1. BC Hydro has notified BCPS (the Rollover Request Customer), by email, of its Right of First Refusal (ROFR) pertaining to ARef# 88270677 (the Rollover Request).
  2. BC Hydro will offer the customer that submitted ARef# 79088250 (the Competing Request), by email, a transmission capacity of 45MW with a Start Time of 2020-01-01 and a Stop Time of 2026-01-01 on the condition that BCPS (the Rollover Request Customer) does not exercise its ROFR.
  3. The Competing Process will conclude when:
    • the Competing Request customer does not accept the offer or fail to respond within the prescribed timeline, the Renewal request will be granted; or
    • the Rollover Request customer successfully matches the duration and the matching request in the request type of ORIGINAL will be granted.