2011 September - December
We periodically post bulletins here to inform customers of developments within BC Hydro Transmission and/or the industry and/or to solicit feedback on policy changes. These announcements can be time sensitive, so please subscribe for the updates.
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Our Transmission Scheduling bulletins for 2011 are listed below. Select another year to the right to view bulletins from the archive.
View the 2011 bulletins
Electric Industry Registry (EIR) Replacing TSIN Registry in 2012
Posted on December 22 , 10:34 a.m.
The EIR will replace the NERC TSIN registry process, entity and role maintenance, and is planned to be in operation at the beginning of the second quarter of 2012. NAESB has developed FAQs related to the New EIR. Please consult this document for all salient information pertaining to this effort including, but not limited to, acceptance testing, training, cost, certificates, re-registration requirements from all entities, and contact information. NAESB is developing a page on its website to keep the industry up to date with the EIR development and implementation. BC Hydro will post another bulletin once the NAESB page is live.
Development webOASIS - New URL
Posted on December 22 , 10:12 a.m.
OATI’s Development webOASIS Servers will be moving to its Campus Data Center on January 31, 2012. Thus, this system will be unavailable on January 31 from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm CST. Once this move is complete, a new URL and IP will be required to access the system. The new URL will be https://demo.oasis.oati.com and the new IP will be The current URL is https://demo.oatioasis.com and the current IP is Please refer to the OATI letter for further detail.
Extended Windows for New Year's Day
Posted on December 21 , 11:45 a.m.
BC Hydro is pleased to visually clarify the opening of extended windows [DOC, 59 KB] for purchasing transmission for New Year's Day, Sunday, January 1, 2012.
NE Test Results - December 24, 2011
Posted on December 21 , 8:51 a.m.
BC Hydro is experiencing technical difficulties which has impacted the posting of the Network Economy Test Results for December 24, 2011. Therefore we are posting the results for December 24th, to lessen the inconvenience to customers. We are working to resolve this issue as quickly as possible.
Proposed Attachment K - Transmission Planning Process
Posted on December 15 , 2:25 p.m.
On September 16, 2010, BC Hydro submitted an application to the BCUC seeking approval to amend the existing OATT, related tariff supplements and rate schedules to reflect the integration of BC Hydro and BCTC (Application). Included in the Application was a request that BC Hydro be granted relief from compliance with the terms of Attachment K (Transmission Planning Process) to BC Hydro’s OATT until January 1, 2012. Attached is BC Hydro’s proposed Attachment K.
The revised Attachment K outlines the key steps that BC Hydro, as an integrated utility, incorporates into each of its transmission planning activities and within its transmission planning processes. BC Hydro believes Attachment K is consistent with the nine transmission planning principles of FERC Order No. 890. Specifically these principles are: coordination, openness, transparency, information exchange, comparability, dispute resolution, regional coordination, economic planning studies, and cost allocation. Also attached is a concordance table that outlines the requirements of FERC Order No. 890’s nine transmission planning principles and demonstrates how BC Hydro’s transmission planning process, as described in the revised Attachment K, satisfies each of the FERC principles.
BC Hydro expects to file the revised Attachment K with the BCUC in early January 2012. If you have any comments please contact Gordon Doyle – Tariff and Contracts Manager by January 3, 2012.
Long Term Rollover and Competing Process
Posted on December 14 , 11:17 a.m.
On 12 December 2011, TCP submitted a Transmission Service Request No. (TSR#) 76446771 to rollover its current contract of 100MW on the BPAT - AESO Path for a term of 4 years and 1 month (the Rollover Request).
BC Hydro has completed an evaluation of the Point-to-Point Transmission Requests currently in the queue and determined that three Point-to-Point transmission requests are the Competing Requests. These Competing Requests have met all criteria set out under section 4 of BC Hydro’s Rollover of a Long Term Transmission Reservation Business Practice. Details of the Competing Requests in priority sequence are listed below:
- TSR# 71145605 submitted on 15 December 2006 by TCP requesting a capacity of 100MW for a 5-year term with service starting 1 March 2012 on the BPAT- AESO Path
- TSR# 76072647 submitted on 19 August 2011 by BCPS requesting a capacity of 50MW for a 6-year term with service starting 1 March 2012 on the BCHA- AESO Path
- TSR# 76072648 submitted on 19 August 2011 by BCPS requesting a capacity of 50MW for a 6-year term with service starting 1 March 2012 on the BCHA- AESO Path
Pursuant to section 5 of BC Hydro’s Rollover of a Long Term Transmission Reservation Business Practice, BC Hydro will initiate a Competing Process on 15 December 2011. The following describes steps that BC Hydro will take to execute the Competing Process:
- On 14 December 2011, BC Hydro notifies TCP (the Rollover Request Customer) by email of its Right of First Refusal (ROFR) pertaining to Rollover Request TSR# 76446771 in the Competing Process.
- On 15 December 2011, BC Hydro will offer to TCP (the Competing Request Customer) by email a capacity of 100MW for a 5-year term with service starting 1 March 2012 on the condition that TCP (the Rollover Request Customer) does not exercise its ROFR.
- Competing Process will continue should the Competing Request Customer not accept BC Hydro’s offer.
Extended Windows for Christmas Day
Posted on December 12 , 11:22 a.m.
BC Hydro is pleased to visually clarify the opening of extended windows [DOC, 59 KB] for purchasing transmission for Christmas Day, Sunday, December 25, 2011.
Ancillary Services Amendment Review
Posted on December 5 , 4:45 p.m.
As discussed in BC Hydro’s February 14, 2011, Application to Amend Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT) Rate Schedule 09 Loss Compensation Service (LCS), BC Hydro will be reviewing the ancillary services provided under the OATT. BC Hydro will be undertaking the review over the next couple of months and will consult customers as part of the review process.
If you have any questions please contact Gordon Doyle – Tariff & Contracts Manager.
Alberta to BC Firm Sales Limit
Posted on December 2 , 12:27 p.m.
On Monday November 28th 2011, BC Hydro posted System Impact Study Report No: ASP-Transmission 2011-051 on the AESO – BCHA – BPAT Path . As mentioned in the November 28th bulletin, Section 5B-1 of the report identifies that the Firm Total Transfer Capability on the Alberta to BC path can be increased from 450 MW to 600 MW. In light of the BCUC decision regarding the TransCanada Complaint which indicated that the constraints in Alberta need to be taken into account when determining long term firm ATC on the BC transmission system, BC Hydro will be filing an application with the BCUC requesting that long-term firm sales on the Alberta to BC path be limited to the current 385 MW (450 MW FTTC – 65 MW TRM) and that the long-term queue be frozen and studies suspended due to constraints on the Alberta system.
BC Hydro expects to file an application with the BCUC in mid-December. If you have any questions or comments please send them to Gordon Doyle, Tariff & Contracts Manager by noon Wednesday December 7th.
System Impact Study Report No: ASP-Transmission 2011-051 on the AESO-BCHA-BPAT Path
Posted on November 28 , 3:13 p.m.
System Impact Study Report No: ASP-Transmission 2011-051 on the AESO – BCHA – BPAT Path is now available. Please click on the link to view the report. Section 5B-1 of the report identifies that the Firm Total Transfer Capability on the Alberta to BC path can be increased from 450 MW to 600 MW. In light of the BCUC decision regarding the TransCanada Complaint which indicated that the constraints in Alberta need to be taken into account when determining long term firm ATC on the BC transmission system, BC Hydro will be filing an application with the BCUC requesting that long-term firm sales on the Alberta to BC path be limited to the current 385 MW (450 MW FTTC – 65 MW TRM) due to constraints on the Alberta system.
NE Test Results - November 25, November 27 and November 28, 2011
Posted on November 24 , 10:49 a.m.
BC Hydro is experiencing technical difficulties which has impacted the posting of the Network Economy Test Results for November 25, November 27 and November 28, 2011. Therefore we are posting the results for November 25, November 27 and November 28, 2011 to lessen the inconvenience to customers. We are working to resolve this issue as quickly as possible.
5L92 Outage - Rescheduled
Posted on November 17 , 3:40 p.m.
Further to the bulletin posted on November 10, 2011 at 3:07 pm, BC Hydro has rescheduled the 5L92 outage to Light Load Hours on November 23, 2011. Please refer to the Annual Outage Plan for further detail.
Extended Windows for US Thanksgiving Day
Posted on November 15 , 4:24 p.m.
BC Hydro is pleased to visually clarify the opening of extended windows [DOC, 60 KB] for purchasing transmission for US Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 24, 2011.
5L92 Outage - November 21, 2011 14:00-16:00
Posted on November 10 , 3:07 p.m.
A customer has requested that the 5L92 outage scheduled on November 21, 2011 from 14:00-16:00 be moved to Light Load Hours. TTC will be de-rated to 110MW on the BC>AESO path and 300MW on the AESO>BC path. Please provide your input on the following questions to Brenda Ambrosi by noon on November 15:
- Do you support retaining the currently planned 5L92 outage on November 21 from 14:00-16:00?
- Do you support moving the 5L92 outage to Light Load Hours on the same day or another day?
- If you support moving the outage, what economic impacts will you incur if the outage remains as scheduled?
Refer to the Annual Outage Plan for further detail.
Extended Windows for Remembrance Day
Posted on November 7 , 9:49 a.m.
BC Hydro is pleased to visually clarify the opening of extended windows [DOC, 53 KB] for purchasing transmission for Remembrance Day, Friday, November 11, 2011.
Extended Windows for New Month October 2011
Posted on September 26 , 2:24 p.m.
BC Hydro is pleased to visually clarify the opening of the extended windows [DOC, 53 KB] for purchasing transmission for the new month on Saturday, October 1, 2011.