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The following documents outline the requirements that BC Hydro adheres to when conducting business with our customers:

Title Purpose/Description
Short Term Service *
(Umbrella Agreement; OATT Attachment A)
[PDF, 123 KB]

Pursuant to Sections 13.4 and 14.4 of BC Hydro’s OATT, an Umbrella Agreement (OATT Attachment A) is to be completed by the Eligible Customer if it is requesting Short Term Firm or Non-Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service(s).

Upon satisfying the Creditworthiness requirement, the Eligible Customer must execute and upload the Umbrella Agreement on the BC Hydro customer portal.  Upon full execution of the agreement, the Eligible Customer is a Transmission Customer of BC Hydro.  BC Hydro will upload the fully executed Umbrella Agreement to the Transmission Customer’s account on the BC Hydro Transmission Customer portal.

Long Term Service
(Service Agreement; OATT Attachment B) 
[PDF, 190 KB]
Pursuant to Section 13.4 of BC Hydro’s OATT, the Transmission Provider shall offer a standard form Long-Term Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service Agreement (Attachment B) to an Eligible Customer when it submits a Completed Application for Long-Term Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service. 
Resale, Reassignment, or Transfer Agreement *
(Service Agreement; OATT Attachment B-1)
[PDF, 71 KB]
Pursuant to Section 23.1 of BC Hydro’s OATT, the Assignee must execute a Service Agreement with the Transmission Provider governing reassignments of Transmission Service prior to the date on which the reassigned service commences.
Web Site Access Agreement *
[PDF, 27 KB]

Agreement to allow BC Hydro to give the Transmission Customer access to the Customer’s Daily Settlement Reports (“Reports”), monthly invoices and detail, and any other information that may be provided at the discretion of BC Hydro and made available on BC Hydro’s Website.

Credit Policy *
[PDF, 68 KB]
BC Hydro’s Credit Administration Procedure in accordance with the BC Hydro’s Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT).
Creditworthiness * [PDF, 450 KB] (OATT Attachment L)  Attachment L of the OATT contains the creditworthiness provisions as supplemented by the BC Hydro Credit Policy.
Letter of Credit *
[PDF, 273 KB]

Form of Letter of Credit for Performance Security

Guarantee *
[PDF, 205 KB]
Form of corporate guarantee

Network Integration Transmission Service 
[PDF, 342 KB] (Service Agreement; OATT Attachment F)

Network Integration Transmission Service [PDF, 930 KB] (Network Operating Agreement; OATT Attachment G)


Pursuant to Section 29.1 of BC Hydro’s OATT, the Network Integration Transmission Service (NITS) Eligible Customer must execute a Service Agreement (OATT Attachment F) and Network Operating Agreement (Attachment G) to acquire Transmission Service.

* Agreements that may apply to new customer registration