Request for an economic planning study
You need to be a registered participant before we can process your request for a transmission study.
Please provide the information below as accurate as you can, and we'll contact you for additional information if needed. It's important that the email you add here is the same email you used when you registered as a participant.
If you need to send digital files, you may send them through email after submitting this form.
BC Hydro is collecting your contact information for the purpose of contacting you in response to your interest in BC Hydro's transmission capital planning process. By submitting your contact information, you agree to be an interested party as defined in Open Access Transmission Tariff Attachment K.
We're collecting your contact information for the purposes of fulfilling our mandate under the Hydro and Power Authority Act, BC Hydro's Electric Tariff (regulated under the Utilities Commission Act by the BC Utilities Commission), the Clean Energy Act, and related Regulations and Directions.
If you have any questions regarding the information collection in this form, please contact Rama Vinnakota at 604 515 8621 or email Transmission Planning.
*Fields are required to be completed and cannot be left blank.