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November 2024

Save extra energy for a rainy day
Smart energy management for industry

November 2024

In this edition of Current, we'll shine a light on why generating your power with our solar incentive makes sense all year round, the benefits of storing power and our incentives to support it, and updated incentives for energy management information systems.

Aerial shot of UBC's Smart Hydrogen Energy District (SHED). Includes solar panels on the Thunderbird parkade, a substation, skateboard park, and the campus energy centre.

Solar is a bright idea for energy self‑sufficiency

Two very different customers are using our solar incentive to offset some of their energy costs.

Read their stories
Engineering electrician using a digital tester battery

Lower your bill with our energy storage incentive

Save up to 80% on energy storage for greener backup power and better demand management.

6 benefits of energy storage

Person working on a computer

New ways to monitor your energy use

Our energy management information system incentive now covers more options for more customers.

Get the details

In case you missed it

Okanagan Spring is brewing up demand response savings

Okanagan Springs Brewery has found multiple ways to save with demand response events.

Learn more

Cohort opportunities for Soprema Canada

Our strategic energy management cohort program uncovered new efficiencies for Soprema Canada.

Learn more

Got a question?

You can find a lot of answers on Or you can contact our business help desk, via email at or by phone at 604 522 4713 (1 866 522 4713 outside the Lower Mainland).

Start with


Understanding your energy use can cut costs

Use online tracking tools as a simple starting place to understand where you can find savings, tracking your usage down to the hour or even minute.

Learn more