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Daryl Fields, ICD.D.

Director, BC Hydro

Daryl Fields

Appointed December 31, 2018

Daryl has over 35 years' experience working in natural resource management, including water allocation, hydropower, transboundary rivers and environmental economics and management in both national and international contexts.

As a Senior Water Resources Specialist at the World Bank, Daryl led the organization's re-engagement in hydropower and participation in the development of the international hydropower sustainability assessment protocol. Leading projects and technical assistance, her focus has been on water resource management and sustainable hydropower development in Africa, South-East and Central Asia, and India.

Before joining the World Bank in 2004, Daryl worked at BC Hydro, holding numerous management positions, including Operations, Strategic Planning, and Environmental and Indigenous Affairs. She was also responsible for BC Hydro's re-licensing program on both national and international rivers. She led the development of the Water Use Planning process, which is now an internationally recognized approach to water resource management.

Daryl has a bachelor's degree from University of British Columbia and a master's degree from the London School of Economics.