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Arrow Reservoir Wildlife Management Plan

This plan is aimed at improving wildlife habitat and its use in Arrow Lakes Reservoir to help mitigate the impacts of BC Hydro operations. It includes feasibility and planning studies as part of design and implementation of the physical works projects, and monitoring studies to assess the effectiveness of these works in providing benefits to wildlife, in particular nesting and migrating birds.

Annual Reports

Projects Studies Terms of Reference
CLBWORKS-29A Arrow Lakes Reservoir: Wildlife Physical Works Feasibility Study
CLBWORKS-29B Arrow Lakes Reservoir: Study of High-Value Wildlife Habitat for Potential Enhancement and Protection
CLBWORKS-30A Arrow Lakes Reservoir: Implementation of Wildlife Physical Works – Revelstoke Reach
CLBWORKS-30B Arrow Lakes Reservoir: Implementation of Wildlife Physical Works – Arrow Reservoir
  • May 2022 (Summary of bat roost habitat enhancement installations at Revelstoke Reach and Burton Wetland)
    [PDF, 3 MB]
  • March 2022 (Planting report Phase 2)
    [PDF, 1.8 MB]
  • January 2022 (Burton Fish Stranding Assessment) [PDF, 3.5 MB]
  • October 2020 (Burton Fish Stranding Assessment)
    [PDF, 4.9 MB]
  • March 2020 (Planting Report Phase 1)
    [PDF, 8.9 MB]   
  • December 2018 (Burton Fish Stranding Assessment)
    [PDF,  2.9 MB]
  • February 2018 (Lower Inonoaklin Preliminary Design)
    [PDF, 17.0 MB]
  • August 2017 (Burton Preliminary Design)
    [PDF, 20.2 MB]
  • January 2017  (Archaeological Impact Assessment of the Burton Creek and Lower Inonoaklin Road Project Areas)
    [PDF, 95 KB]