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Peak Saver

Woman using dishwasher, close up

Earn rewards for shifting or reducing your electricity use

The Peak Saver program allows you to earn money for reducing your electricity use during peak-demand periods.

The recent winter Peak Saver season closed March 31, 2024. If you participated this season, your total reward will be provided via a credit on your BC Hydro bill.

We're holding a summer Peak Saver season from June 1 to September 30, 2024 for select residential locations by invitation only. Recruitment for the summer Peak Saver season is now closed.

Check back for details and registration for our next winter season.

About the program

The Peak Saver program provides customers with the opportunity to earn financial rewards for reducing their electricity use during specific days and times, known as Peak Saver events.

For each Peak Saver event where you reduce your electricity use to meet the target, you’ll earn a reward. For example, an event with a 20% reduction target may have a $3 reward.

Join the program to lower your energy bills, earn rewards, and reduce strain on the electrical system in your community during times of peak demand.

How Peak Saver events work

Peak Saver events are short periods (one to four hours) when electricity demand is at its highest. When one’s coming up, here’s what you can expect:

  1. Alert: You'll receive an email with the date and time of the next Peak Saver event. It'll include the target electricity reduction and the reward you could earn. For example, reduce by 20% to earn $3.
  2. Shift or reduce: Shift any high energy-consuming activities to before or after the event. Reduce your electricity use during the event where possible.
  3. Reward: Earn a reward if you reduce your electricity use to meet the target.

You can participate in as many or as few Peak Saver events as you want.

Your total reward will be provided via a credit on your BC Hydro bill once the program ends for the season.

Before each event we’ll estimate your typical use based on an average from your three days with the highest usage out of the previous five days (excluding weekends, holidays, and prior event days).

After the event, we compare your typical use to your actual use during the event. If you reduced your electricity use enough to meet the target for the event, you’ll earn a reward.

You can view this comparison for each event by logging in to your Peak Saver timeline.

During the Peak Saver event, your goal is to try to use less electricity. Here are some ways to save during events:

Winter heating

  • Turn down thermostats on electric heating systems by one or two degrees if you can. Layer up with a sweater or blanket.
  • Make sure windows and window coverings are closed to keep heat in.
  • Only heat rooms that are in use.

Summer cooling

  • Cool your home before the event using your preferred cooling method and again after the event, if needed. 
  • Keep windows and blinds closed during the day to keep the heat out and open during the evening to allow cool air to flow through your home.

Water heating

  • Use the shower or bath before or after the event – heating the water uses a lot of electricity.
  • If you have a hot tub or pool, don't heat them up or use the pool pump during events

Cooking, cleaning & lighting

  • Instead of cooking with your oven or stove, try using small appliances like a toaster oven or slow cooker.
  • Don't run your dishwasher, clothes washer or dryer during the event. Hang dry your clothes when you can.
  • Turn off unnecessary lights.
  • Don't use corded vacuum cleaners, irons, or power tools during the event.

Electric vehicle (EV) charging

  • If you charge an EV at home, delay charging until after the event.

For more everyday tips, explore our ways to save energy everywhere in your home.

Already participating? Track your results

We'll email you after each event once your results are ready. For a summary of your results and rewards earned to date, log in and check your Peak Saver timeline. 

Check your timeline