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BC Hydro files residential rate application to support electrification

VANCOUVER: The way British Columbians are using electricity is changing, and BC Hydro is committed to keeping rates affordable while supporting the switch to an economy powered by clean electricity. On February 27, BC Hydro filed an Optional Residential Time-of-Use Rate Application with the BC Utilities Commission (BCUC) to help support electrification.

The Optional Residential Time-of-Use Rate Application will provide residential customers an option to save money on their electricity bills by shifting their electricity use to times when system capacity is more available. Under this optional rate, if customers were to choose to shift their energy-intensive activities – like charging their EV or running their dishwasher or dryer – to off peak hours, they can save money. Customers with an electric vehicle, for example, could save an average of $40 and up to $250 per year by enrolling in this rate and charging their electric vehicle during overnight hours. Pending review and approval by the BCUC, BC Hydro anticipates a decision on this new optional rate could occur some time next year.

BC Hydro is also exploring other rate choices for its customers and will submit proposals to the BCUC for review and approval in the future.

BC Hydro Media Relations
p. 604 928 6468