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Power poles in Prince George cut down with chainsaw

Power pole cut down by copper thieves in Prince George

PRINCE GEORGE – Thieves in Prince George used a chainsaw to cut down two power poles on Old Cariboo Highway on July 12. The perpetrators removed components of the equipment on the power pole to try and steal copper.

Metal theft is a huge concern for BC Hydro. It is a crime that affects the safety of the public and BC Hydro employees, and also has an impact on the reliability of the electrical system.

BC Hydro is warning the public that acts of vandalism resulting in downed lines create serious public safety hazards. The downed distribution line was carrying 25,000 volts of electricity, which could have injured or killed a member of the public or crews as BC Hydro worked to make repairs. In addition, damage to the downed transformer caused an oil spill, which required a specialized spill crew to prevent damage to the environment.

BC Hydro is reminding the public to stay back at least ten metres and dial 911 immediately if they come across a downed line, and to report any suspicious activity around power lines to the RCMP.

Crews are working to complete the repairs.

BC Hydro Media Relations
p. 604 928 6468