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For hire: ten REnEW energy-efficient retrofitters

Graduation marks the start of new opportunities for REnEW graduates: FortisBC and BC Hydro program continues to support training in energy efficient construction

SURREY, B.C. – August 28, 2012: Ten participants in the Residential Energy Efficiency Works (REnEW) training program, funded by FortisBC and BC Hydro, have now graduated. Equipped with new skills in energy efficiency construction and retro-fitting, along with certificates of completion, first aid, and fall prevention, the graduates are now prepared with the foundation to further a career in this emerging field.

“We hope the REnEW program graduates come away with the confidence that this training has made them ready for a new career, and instilled a deeper understanding of energy conservation,” said Doug Stout, Vice President of energy solutions and external relations FortisBC. “All of us at FortisBC look forward to hearing of their successful endeavours.”

“Congratulations to all of the graduates! On behalf of BC Hydro I’d like to thank them for the work they will be doing to help people conserve and be more energy-efficient. Energy conservation should be as common sense as recycling and is the best and most cost-effective way to meet our province’s energy needs,” Lisa Coltart, Executive Director of Power Smart and Customer Care, BC Hydro.

The REnEW program was launched in 2010 and has been held in several communities around the province including Vancouver, Chilliwack, Williams Lake, Prince George, and Kelowna. Participants learn hands-on job skills such as the fundamentals of energy efficiency, installation of energy saving technologies, first aid and fall protection all with the intent of preparing them to find employment in the energy efficiency industry. Over the past two years, 83 participants have graduated from the program and 59 per cent are now either working or furthering their education.

“REnEW is a program that produces social, economic, and environmental benefits,” said Shelley Cook, Executive Director of John Howard Society of BC. “John Howard Society of the Central and South Okanagan is truly honoured to once again be part of this unique and innovative partnership with FortisBC and BC Hydro.”

“The REnEW program is awesome,” said participant Tim Dukeshire. “I learned a lot about energy efficiency that I didn’t know before. The program gave me an understanding of how much energy is wasted in the home and how much can be done so you don’t spend so much.”

The REnEW program supports the growing energy efficiency retrofit industry by creating a much-needed pool of skilled workers for this emerging field. Participants in this class of the REnEW program were selected by the John Howard Society.

For background on the REnEW program contact FortisBC at or visit



Tracy Tang
Corporate Communications Advisor
Phone: 604-592-7632

BC Hydro Media Relations, 604-928-6468