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How Team Power Smart spent a Summer Unplugged

Aurora Borealis with a tent
One entrant in Team Power Smart's Summer Unplugged photo contest captured the northern lights with a long exposure of the night sky over a tent on Hornby Island. Will it be a winner? We'll find out soon. Photo credit: Orissa Henderson.

Photo contest provides a glimpse into what we're all about

Ask Team Power Smart members to take a photo of a Summer Unplugged for a contest, and what do you get?

Puppy love.

Mesmerizing sunsets and night skies.

Sun-kissed kids.

A bear sighting or two.

Flower power.

Boats, kayaks and canoes.

Hikes. Hikes. And more hikes.

Above all, what you get is confirmation that while a smartphone is a great way to capture British Columbians at play, days unplugged are an easy sell in this beautiful province.

Voting is now complete in the contest, and winners (both for voting and for photo entries) will soon be announced, with prizes ranging from gift cards to a Yeti Cooler, Apple Watch, Ninja CREAMi and Canucks tickets.

If you're a Team Power Smart member who entered, we wish you the best of luck, and remind you to check for winners by logging into MyHydro and your Member Tool Box a few days from now. 

If you're not a member, we can only ask Why not?

Here are a few more of our favourites from among the contest entries.

Surfers at Cox Bay, Tofino
Surfers at Cox Bay, Tofino. Photo credit: Tamara Davidson.
Lake O'Hara in Yoho National Park.
Lake O'Hara in Yoho National Park. Photo credit: Lynn Lanki.
Dog swimming at Little Qualicum Falls
Macaroni’s river swim at Little Qualicum Falls. Photo credit: Jess Watkins.
Sunset at Green Lake north of Cache Creek
Sunset at Green Lake north of Cache Creek. Photo credit: Aaron Ottho.