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Market Policy and Opertations Conditional Firm Service and NERC TTC/ATC Methodologies Workshop


  • Friday February 4, 2011  9:00 a.m.  -  4:00 p.m.


  • Vancouver

Event details

BC Hydro is going to hold a workshop providing an overview of the alternatives for implementing Conditional Firm Service (CFS) and setting out timelines for requested input from interested parties. BC Hydro will also present the NERC TTC/ATC Methodologies and provide an overview of its TTC Calculator Project.

BC Hydro invites you to attend this workshop. To implement CFS, BC Hydro is proposing a new CFS Business Practice and feels it is important for customers to attend and provide feedback.

A Conditional Firm Service (CFS) Business Practice (BP) Revised for each alternative has been posted to our Bulletins page on February 1, 2011.

For Participants who want to listen to the meeting presentation, a phone bridge has been set up. The access codes are:

Dial in - 1-877-528-1991
Conference ID - 74776#
Participant Pass Code - 456985#


Conway Conference Room, 6th Floor
Shangri-La Hotel
1128 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, BC V6E 0A8
Telephone: (604) 689-1120

Reservations may be made under the BC Hydro Corporate Rate here.  Or you may contact the hotel directly and provide our Corporate Rate ID: C11543959947.


Conditional Firm Service (CFS) Business Practice Agenda [DOC, 534 KB] (Updated February 3, 2011)

RSVP to Anne Wong by January 26, 2011

Customer Comments on CFS BPs:

(Added February 24, 2011)