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Be prepared for storm season. Safety tips and videos

News Release

This news release was posted more than two years ago. View our latest news releases here.

Are you prepared for a power outage?

VANCOUVER – In the winter months storms hit B.C. more frequently. This increases the potential for power outages. BC Hydro is suggesting six easy steps to ensure you and your family are better prepared.

1. Know the number to call when the power goes out. To report an outage, call 1-888-POWERON
    or *HYDRO on your mobile phone. Automatic notification will be available through smart meters
    once all meters have been installed and the system is fully operational over the next year.

2. Have an emergency kit ready and easily accessible. The kit should include: flashlights, a battery-
    operated radio, extra batteries, a corded telephone, warm clothing and blankets, a first aid kit,
    non-perishable, ready-to-eat foods and a copy of your emergency preparedness plan.

3. If there is an outage, turn off all appliances and electronics, especially electric heaters. When
    power is restored, power will rush to all items left in the “on” position which can cause the
    system to overload and possibly cause a second outage.

4. When the power is out, turn off all lights except one inside the home and one outside. The
    inside light lets you know when the power is back on and the outside light lets BC Hydro crews
    know. In future, smart meters will automatically let BC Hydro know when the power has been

5. Make note of BC Hydro’s mobile-friendly website on your smart phone. The site provides updates
    on when power will be restored.

6. If you see a fallen power line, stay at least 10 metres away at all times. Never go near or touch a
    fallen line. Report fallen power lines with the exact location to BC Hydro.
For more information, visit

For more information please contact:
BC Hydro Media Relations
p. 604-928-6468