SOP Optimization: Ask your question
Many common questions about our Standing Offer Program (SOP) are answered on our FAQ page. However, if you have a specific question related to the SOP Optimization process, please submit it below.
We'll try to answer questions as quickly as possible; we'll post the questions and answers on our SOP Optmization: Your questions answered page, usually within 10 days. If several questions are similar, we may summarize them to provide one answer.
BC Hydro is collecting questions for the purpose of providing better information about the SOP Optimization process. This helps fulfill our mandate under the Hydro and Power Authority Act, BC Hydro's Electric Tariff (regulated under the Utilities Commission Act by the BC Utilities Commission), the Clean Energy Act, and related Regulations and Directions. If you have any questions regarding the information collection undertaken on this form, please contact the SOP Administrator at