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2016 Bulletin Index - January to April

We periodically post bulletins here to inform customers of developments within BC Hydro Transmission and/or the industry and/or to solicit feedback on policy changes. These announcements can be time sensitive, so please subscribe for the updates.

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January to April

webSmartOASIS and webSmartTag – Update

Posted on April 25, 12:01 p.m.

Further to the bulletins posted on April 15, 14, 6 and 4, March 17 and 3, 2016, December 29 and 23, November 20 and October 26, 2015, OATI webOASIS will be retired on June 20, 2016 and webSmartOASIS will replace the current webOASIS system. All webOASIS users currently have access to webSmartOASIS in the production environment. OATI continues to address reported issues and reported issues will be fixed prior to the webOASIS retirement date. OATI encourages users to attend a complimentary webSmartOASIS training. Trainings will be given through June 2016. Users should review the updated browser configuration documents for use of webSmartOASIS. Browser configuration documents are accessible within the webSmartOASIS help console or can also be provided by OATI's Help Desk. For more information or to register for a training, click here. If you have questions about webSmartOASIS or the training, please contact

As previously announced, OATI is extending the webSmartTag and webTag parallel operations until October 24, 2016, at which time webTag will be retired. Please make note of some important dates and activities during this time.

June 1, 2016

  • webTag in the DEMO environment will be retired and no longer be available.
August 1, 2016
  • Production System/Browser Checkout begins. OATI encourages customers to replace webTag with webSmartTag for daily use to ensure browser settings are compatible. OATI will be reaching out to companies individually who still need to update browser settings.
September 1, 2016
  • OATI Production System Finalization. No changes will be made to the system unless classified as a HIGH/CRITICAL variance. As of this date, no enhancements will be released on webSmartTag until after the webTag retirement.
  • Default Production login will be changed to be webSmartTag, with the option to change session to webTag if needed. This will impact direct login as well as remote logins from webTrader and webTrans.
Last Two Weeks of September
  • OATI begins Pre-Retirement/Solo Trials. This is required for load/stability testing, and may render webTag unavailable during peak hours on selected days. Additional information will be provided prior to these trial activities defining the dates/times and requested activities from system users.
October 24, 2016
  • webTag Retires. Additional information will be provided by September 1 on the timing and process to log out users to ensure a smooth transition.
Please send all feedback to Training on webSmartTag will continue through October 2016. To discuss in-depth training options, contact For any system questions, please contact Please also view updated online help content via webSmartTag. Click on the blue "?" icon on the top right hand corner to access this updated content, which includes training videos.

Additional webSmartOASIS Complimentary Training Sessions

Posted on April 15, 10:25 a.m.

Further to the bulletins posted on April 14, 6 and 4, March 17 and 3, 2016, December 29 and 23, November 20 and October 26, 2015.  Additional complimentary webSmartOASIS training sessions are scheduled as follows:

Tuesday, April 26, 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. CDT

Tuesday, May 3, 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. CDT

Thursday, May 12, 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. CDT

Tuesday, May 17, 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. CDT

Thursday, May 26, 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. CDT

To register for any of these training sessions, please email

webTag and webOASIS Retirement Dates

Posted on April 14, 4:15 p.m.

Further to the bulletins posted on April 6 and 4, March 17 and 3, 2016, and December 29 and 23, November 20, and October 26, 2015, OATI has now announced that webTag will retire on October 24, 2016 while webOASIS will retire on June 20, 2016. OATI encourages its customers to continue to use webSmartTag and webSmartOASIS and provide feedback to

Interim F2017 Rates

Posted on April 12, 10:45 a.m.

Further to BC Hydro’s submission of amended tariff pages in accordance with Order G-40-16, the BCUC approved these tariff pages on an interim basis effective April 1, 2016. OATT Attachment H, Schedule 00, and Schedule 01 have changed while Schedule 03 remains unchanged at this time.

2016 Network Economy Meeting

Posted on April 8, 11:45 a.m.

Pursuant to British Columbia Utilities Commission (BCUC) Order No. G-127-06, Appendix 1, the BCUC directed BC Hydro, then BCTC, to convene annual Network Economy Meetings to discuss, on a "without prejudice" basis issues arising with respect to the use of Network Economy. A standing agenda item for these meetings is to review the use of, and continued requirement for, a different Trigger Price (as defined in Section 1, Attachment Q-2) for the November to February period.

For the last several years, BC Hydro solicited customer feedback to determine whether or not there was an interest to hold the annual meeting; there was a lack of interest in all years. However, in 2009 it was suggested that a meeting may not be necessary if BC Hydro prepared an annual Network Economy report showing trends and statistics along with explanations for the figures. Notwithstanding, it was requested that the requirement for an annual meeting remain in place. Subsequently, BC Hydro applied to the BCUC to not hold the Network Economy Annual Meeting in 2009 and to instead post an annual Network Economy report in lieu of holding the meeting, which was approved by the BCUC.

In 2010, BC Hydro requested permission from the BCUC to, again, not hold an annual Network Economy Meeting. Pursuant to BCUC Letter No. L-45-10, BC Hydro is only expected to convene an annual Network Economy Meeting if customers of BC Hydro expressly ask for a meeting by way of a letter to BC Hydro with a copy to the BCUC. BC Hydro is pleased to post its Annual Network Economy Report to Transmission Customers, which covers the same issues and in the same format as previous years. If, after reviewing the report, you believe an annual meeting is required, please send your letter to Brenda Ambrosi and copy the BCUC by April 25, 2016.

webSmartTag Parallel Operations Exteneded to Fall 2016

Posted on April 6, 1:38 p.m.

Further to the bulletins posted on April 4, March 17 and 3, 2016, and December 29, December 23, November 20, and October 26, 2015, OATI has had a significant increase in activity in webSmartTag over the past two weeks and feels that all users have not had an adequate opportunity to use the system. Further, since other overlapping rescheduled industry activities are occurring, OATI is extending the webSmartTag and webTag parallel operations through the Fall of 2016. As a result, OATI will reschedule the retirement date of webTag. Further bulletins will be posted as information is released. OATI encourages its customers to continue to use webSmartTag and provide feedback to

webSmartTag Update

Posted on April 4, 9:20 a.m.

Further to the bulletins posted on March 17 and 3, 2016, and December 29, December 23, November 20, and October 26, 2015, OATI webTag will be retired on May 2, 2016, and webSmartTag will replace the current webTag system. All OATI webTag users currently have access to webSmartTag in the production environment. OATI continues to address reported issues, and reported issues will be fixed prior to the webTag retirement date. All OATI users are encouraged to attend the complimentary webSmartTag training. Training will be provided throughout April. Please contact if you have questions about webSmartTag or the training and its dates.

Network Economy Test Results - April 4 & 5, 2016

Posted on April 4, 9:00 a.m.

Network Economy Test Results for April 4, 2016 and April 5, 2016 did not post.  Please reference this bulletin for the correct test results.

Long Term Transmission Queue Updated

Posted on March 18, 4:42 p.m.

The Long Term PTP Transmission Queue has been updated. For details, please refer to the Document Change History section located at the end of the document.

webSmartOASIS & webSmartTag Update

Posted on March 17, 9:50 a.m.

Further to the bulletins posted on March 3, 2016, and December 29, December 23, November 20, and October 26, 2015, OATI will replace the current webTag system with webSmartTag on May 1.  The next webSmartOASIS complimentary training session is scheduled for Wednesday, March 23 from 10:30am – 11:30am CDT. To register for this training session, please email If you have difficulty accessing either webSmartTag or webSmartOASIS, please contact the OATI HelpDesk at

Extended Windows for Good Friday

Posted on March 7, 3:00 p.m.

BC Hydro is pleased to visually clarify the opening of extended windows [DOC.39KB] for purchasing transmission for Good Friday, March 25, 2016.

Long Term Transmission Queue Updated

Posted on March 4, 3:45 p.m.

The Long Term PTP Transmission Queue has been updated. For details, please refer to the Document Change History section located at the end of the document.

webSmartOASIS & webSmartTag in the Production Environment

Posted on March 3, 4:04 p.m.

Further to the bulletins posted on December 29, December 23, November 20, and October 26, 2015, webOASIS and webTag users can access webSmartOASIS and webSmartTag in the Production environment.

OATI is offering complimentary webSmartOASIS Training Webinars as follows:

  • Wednesday, March 09, 2016  2:00 PM - 3:00 PM CST
  • Wednesday, March 23, 2016  10:30 AM - 11:30 AM CDT

To register for training, please email

If you have difficulty accessing webSmartOASIS or webSmartTag, please contact the OATI HelpDesk at

Regional Flow Forecast Tool

Posted on March 3, 3:43 p.m.

As a result of the Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Initiative efforts and supporting company funding, a tool has been developed that provides a forecast of expected near-term flows on a set of WECC flowgates. The forecasts are computed projections of flows based upon current actual flows, generation forecasts, load forecasts and impedance base flow calculations using the system network model.

On March 31, 2015, access to production forecasts was available for regional TSP and BA entities.

Beginning April 14, 2016, access to production forecasts will be available for all OATT customers of the supporting TSPs to paths included in the displays operated by the respective TSPs. This includes access for market function employees.

Procedures for requesting access can be obtained from Peak Reliability to the Regional Flow Forecast Tool. 

Extended Windows for Presidents' Day

Posted on February 2, 2:56 p.m.

BC Hydro is pleased to visually clarify the opening of extended windows [DOC,45 KB] for purchasing transmission for Presidents' Day, Monday, February 15, 2016.

Extended Windows for New Month February 2016

Posted on January 19, 2:25 p.m.

BC Hydro is pleased to visually clarify the opening of extended windows [DOC,36 KB] for purchasing transmission for the new month beginning on Monday, February 1, 2016.

Extended Windows for Martin Luther King Day

Posted on January 7, 5:25 p.m.

BC Hydro is pleased to visually clarify the opening of extended windows [DOC,45 KB] for purchasing transmission for Martin Luther King Day, Monday, January 18, 2016.

Long Term Transmission Queue Updated

Posted on January 7, 3:13 p.m.

The Long Term PTP Transmission Queue has been updated.  For details, please refer to the Document Change History section located at the end of the document.