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Get involved in rate design

There are a lot of ways you can take part in our activities related to rate structures and rate applications.

Take a survey or join an engagement session 

You can learn more and share your feedback on rate design activities through various engagement opportunities. Some examples include engagement sessions, telephone townhalls, and online surveys.

Check to see what rate design activities are currently underway.

Submit a letter of comment about a rate application

Once we’ve submitted a rate application to the B.C. Utilities Commission (BCUC), you can submit a letter of comment about that application. The BCUC will consider your input as it reviews the application.

Submit a letter of comment through the BCUC

Receive email updates for a particular rate application process 

Once we’ve submitted a rate application to the BCUC, you can register as an “interested party” through the BCUC website for that application. You’ll get email updates of all non-confidential evidence that’s submitted as part of that process.

Sign up as an interested party through the BCUC

Register as an intervener to take part at a deeper level

Intervenors are third parties that represent particular customer groups or interests. They provide comments and feedback to both BC Hydro and the BCUC on various rate applications. They review our submissions and submit information requests about our application. Interveners may question BC Hydro witnesses and provide statements during the review process. They can also provide their own evidence to the BCUC.

If you’d like to become an intervener, there are certain criteria you’ll have to meet to be eligible.

Learn about becoming an intervener through the BCUC