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North Coast B.C. Expression of Interest

Connect to BC Hydro's system in the North Coast of B.C.

We're assessing the need for new transmission infrastructure to bring more clean, reliable, low-cost electricity to the North Coast of B.C.

To inform our plans and ensure they reflect the electricity demand in the region, we engaged with industry through a non-binding North Coast Expression of Interest (EOI) process to assess interest in connecting to our electricity system.

To receive the latest updates on the project, please register or see the notices below.

Expression of Interest submissions

The formal EOI process closed April 11, 2023. Thank you to those who submitted an EOI package to indicate interest in electrifying current or proposed operations in the North Coast region.

If you didn't participate but are interested in connecting to the BC Hydro transmission system west of Prince George, please email us for more information.

On this page:

Benefits of connecting to our system

Connecting to our transmission system in the North Coast of B.C. offers many benefits:

  • Our stable electricity rates are among the lowest in North America, reducing your operating costs.
  • Using our clean electricity to power industrial operations lowers greenhouse gas emissions, creates low-carbon products, reduces carbon taxes, and improves on Environmental Social Governance.
  • Our system reliability in the region meets industry standards and will improve further with the proposed transmission system reinforcements, which bring additional redundancy to the region.

If you participate in the EOI process, we can:

  • Take your electricity needs into consideration early in our planning process and look for opportunities to optimize new transmission infrastructure.
  • Include your project’s electricity requirements in an aggregate transmission capacity reservation in our transmission load interconnection queue.
  • Seek funding and develop more effective programs to reduce the cost of connecting to the transmission system.

How it works

Through the EOI process, current and potential industrial customers can indicate their interest in electrifying their operations in the North Coast region. We'll use the submissions to determine overall industry electrification interest, needs, and locations, which will inform our infrastructure plans in the region.

We request that you participate in the EOI if:

  • You're a current or potential transmission-service load customer (service at greater than 35 kV),
  • You're seeking to connect to our system west of Williston Substation in Prince George, and
  • You're not in our transmission load interconnection queue as of February 15, 2023, or you're in the queue but you would require some of the proposed new infrastructure to be in place to receive service (we notified these customers by February 15).

To participate, complete the following by the closing date:

As plans for expanding our electricity system in the area advance, we may ask prospective customers to: 

  • Submit a transmission service request or complete interconnection studies.
  • Confirm their service request by posting security for the design and construction of transmission infrastructure and interconnection facilities.

The EOI process doesn't commit BC Hydro to proceeding with the proposed transmission infrastructure or interconnecting prospective customers.

Documents and forms

Notices and supporting materials

Working in partnership with First Nations we're continuing to advance planning of the proposed new 500 kilovolt transmission infrastructure from Prince George to Terrace, as well as initiating planning on infrastructure beyond Terrace. This work is based on the responses to BC Hydro's 2023 Expression of Interest (EOI) and on-going discussions with prospective customers in the North Coast region.

We continue to actively explore First Nations co-ownership of the proposed new transmission lines, as well other means of Indigenous participation, and are co-developing the new Prince George to Terrace infrastructure with First Nations.

In March 2024, we held a second round of virtual public open houses and in-person public open houses to provide information on route options and solicit feedback form communities on the proposed infrastructure. The presentation materials from these events can be found on our website. The next round of public open houses will be held once we identify leading route options for the proposed new transmission lines from Prince George to Terrace, which is anticipated later this year.

In the interim, work to identify and refine route options continues based on additional studies, the results of route option evaluation work done with First Nations, and feedback from stakeholders. Investigative field work such as geotechnical drilling and environmental field studies will continue this fall and winter.

Upgrades to the existing infrastructure between Prince George and Terrace will also be needed, and additional new infrastructure beyond Terrace may be required depending on the location and demand of customer projects. Scoping of potential new infrastructure beyond Terrace is being initiated and could potentially include new transmission lines extending north, south and west from Terrace, along with associated infrastructure. View more information about the proposed new infrastructure.

With respect to the proposed new tariff for the North Coast, which is intended to help address barriers to infrastructure investment, plans to engage with First Nations, EOI participants, and industry associations have been paused while we advance other planning and engagement. Further information on the timing of tariff engagement will be provided later this year.

Important Reminder: If you did not participate in the EOI and are interested in connecting to BC Hydro's system west of Williston substation in Prince George, please email us for more information about next steps, including submitting a Transmission Load Interconnection Request.

We have an update and a reminder as we continue to advance planning of the proposed new 500 kilovolt infrastructure from Prince George to Terrace.

As part of the Expression of Interest process carried out between February and April 2023, we received significant interest from a variety of industry sectors looking connect to BC Hydro's system in the North Coast region. This has enabled us to continue to advance planning of the new infrastructure.

Early engagement with our Indigenous partners is underway, which aligns with our commitment to explore potential Indigenous co-ownership of the proposed new transmission line infrastructure, as well other means of Indigenous participation.

We also held several virtual and in-person public open houses in early summer to solicit feedback from communities on the proposed infrastructure. The next round of open houses is being planned for spring 2024.

We continue work to identify and refine route options based on additional studies, input from First Nations, and feedback from stakeholders. We anticipate some upgrades to the existing infrastructure between Prince George and Terrace will also be required, as well as additional new infrastructure beyond Terrace, depending on the location and demand of customer projects. View more information about the proposed new infrastructure and open houses.

We're also proposing a new tariff for the North Coast to help address barriers to infrastructure investment. More information will be shared in a future notice.

Important Reminder: If you did not participate in the EOI, but are interested in connecting, please email us for more information about next steps, including submitting a Transmission Service Request.

BC Hydro received 29 submissions in response to the Expression of Interest. As expected, interest came from a diverse range of current and prospective industrial customers across economic sectors, including mining, ports, hydrogen, liquified natural gas, and others. The mining sector accounted for the largest number of individual submissions and the hydrogen sector accounted for the largest amount of proposed future demand.

The results provide strong support for proposed new 500 kilovolt transmission infrastructure from Prince George to Terrace.

We're advancing planning for the new transmission infrastructure. We'll work with First Nations and government to obtain the permits needed, as well as continue discussions with First Nations on potential co-ownership of the transmission lines. We'll also continue to work with prospective customers to advance their interconnection requests and will contact EOI participants directly with updates. For more information on this update, see the news release.


Date Milestone
February 15, 2023

North Coast B.C. Expression of Interest opened

April 11, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time

North Coast B.C. Expression of Interest closed

May 31, 2023

Submission review and follow-up complete

Schedule is subject to change.

Register for email updates

If you'd like to receive email updates about this EOI process and information about the proposed transmission infrastructure, please register.

Q&A and information meetings

Registered prospective customers can email us with questions or to request a meeting to discuss the EOI, your electrification needs and the proposed transmission infrastructure in the North Coast of B.C. Answers to questions that are applicable to other prospective customers will be posted here with confidential customer information removed.

Expression of Interest results

BC Hydro received 29 submissions in response to the Expression of Interest. As expected, interest came from a diverse range of current and prospective industrial customers across economic sectors, including mining, ports, hydrogen, liquified natural gas, and others. The mining sector accounted for the largest number of individual submissions and the hydrogen sector accounted for the largest amount of proposed future demand.

The results provide strong support for the proposed new 500 kilovolt transmission infrastructure from Prince George to Terrace.

Interest in connecting to the BC Hydro system west of Prince George exceeded the capacity of the proposed new 500 kilovolt transmission infrastructure.

We know from past experience that some of these projects won't ultimately achieve a positive final investment decision, but we will consider additional system reinforcements as necessary.

Proposed customer projects were located throughout the North Coast region; however, the majority of the potential demand for electricity (about 80%) was located beyond Terrace – south towards Kitimat, west towards Prince Rupert, and north towards New Aiyanish.

BC Hydro is reviewing the results of the EOI to determine whether there is sufficient demand for additional transmission infrastructure beyond Prince George to Terrace to warrant including it as part of the common North Coast Electrification scope.

We expect to have further information available later in 2023.

The information received from companies participating in the EOI process is considered commercially-sensitive and will be kept confidential. This includes the amount of electricity requested. However, interest was significant, indicating strong support for advancing planning of the proposed 500 kilovolt transmission infrastructure from Prince George to Terrace.

Expression of Interest process

We recognize that the project information provided by customers may be commercially sensitive. Although BC Hydro does not enter into Confidentiality Agreements as part of the typical interconnection process, to help alleviate potential concerns around sharing project information with BC Hydro, we have provided an optional Confidentiality Agreement that prospective customers can complete as part of their EOI submission.

Due to the volume of submissions we expect to receive, we are not able to accommodate customized Confidentiality Agreements.

Demand for electricity in this region comes from a wide range of industries, including mines, ports, and LNG. We expect customers requiring transmission-voltage service from a range of sectors to respond to the EOI. 

The EOI will inform our plans for new transmission infrastructure in the region and subsequent steps to confirm customer commitment, but it doesn’t commit us to proceed with the transmission system reinforcements or interconnect prospective customers.

If the available capacity of the proposed new infrastructure is over-subscribed, we may consider additional system reinforcements.

Companies that did not participate in the EOI may participate in subsequent steps, including submitting a transmission service request.

If you didn't participate but are interested in connecting to the BC Hydro transmission system west of Prince George, please email us for more information.

The information received from companies participating in the EOI process is considered commercially sensitive and will be kept confidential.

Some aggregate information may be made public (e.g. number of responses, etc.).

Interconnection process

The benefits include:

  • Information about customer electricity needs is received earlier in the planning process, which will help optimize new proposed transmission infrastructure, allow for meaningful engagement with First Nations and local government, and facilitate timely customer interconnections.
  • Transmission line reinforcements can be optimized based on customer demand and location.
  • In subsequent steps, security for project development costs may be distributed across multiple customers rather than a single customer, reducing a barrier to initiating transmission line expansions, increasing project certainty, and in turn facilitating engagement with Indigenous Nations.

The objective of the EOI process is to identify potential electricity needs earlier in the planning process, potentially before a customer may be ready to submit an interconnection request.

The EOI process does not replace the interconnection process. Customers are still required to submit an Transmission Service Request when ready and proceed through the interconnection process to address customer-specific interconnection requirements, including local transmission system reinforcements to connect to our transmission system.

Transmission service requests are considered based on the order in which they are received so long as they continue to meet the requirements of the Business Practice for Load Interconnection Queue Management and any additional requirements specified in subsequent stages of the Open Season.

After submitting a Transmission Service Request, prospective customers will be asked to provide a financial commitment in the form of a deposit to advance the interconnection studies required to determine the local system reinforcements needed to connect to BC Hydro's system and the cost of constructing these facilities.

Further information can be found on the Large load connections or contact your Key Account Manager.

To reserve capacity on the proposed new 500 kV transmission infrastructure customers may also be requested to post security prior to starting the final design and construction of the new infrastructure.

These next steps remain to be confirmed and information will be posted on the North Coast EOI webpages and communicated by email to registered prospective customers when available.

Electricity rates

Yes, the transmission service rates applicable to other industrial customers in the province will apply to customers participating in the EOI.

Funding programs

An overview of current BC Hydro and government programs is available in the notices and supporting materials section.

All programs are subject to funding availability and eligibility is not guaranteed.

Project development

The EOI process will help determine when the transmission lines are needed. We anticipate that it could take about 8 to 10 years to complete the new lines; however, there may be opportunities to speed up the process. Learn more about North Coast B.C. electrification plans.

Building transmission lines is a major undertaking. Before construction begins, we have a project management process that we must complete to ensure we are minimizing the risks and delivering the best value for our customers.

Consultation is also an essential part of the process – both with Indigenous Nations and the communities that are impacted.

Large projects like this can also be subject to multi-year regulatory review processes.

Indigenous Nations

We cannot comment on the position of First Nations relative to the EOI.

We’ve notified Indigenous Nations of our intent to launch the EOI and will continue to share information about the EOI. We have also initiated discussions with First Nations regarding potential co-ownership opportunities relative to the infrastructure and those discussions are ongoing.

We'll be working with participating First Nations to explore what co-ownership of this transmission lines could look like. We're also looking at what has been successful in other jurisdictions and industries.

This is the first time BC Hydro has pursued co-ownership of infrastructure with First Nations. We believe it is an opportunity to further mutual interests in economic development in Indigenous communities and throughout the region using clean hydroelectricity.


With the increased interest in electrification, many are asking if we have enough power. The short answer is yes for now, especially with Site C, BC Hydro's newest generating station, coming into service soon.

The longer-term answer is also yes. We have an Integrated Resource Plan that plans for all scenarios – it's a flexible plan that allows us to monitor changing conditions and adjust planning.

There are a number of ways we can meet the increased demand for clean electricity, if required. These include demand-side measures such as energy efficiency measures and voluntary time-of-use rates, and supply-side measures such as Electricity Purchase Agreement renewals.

B.C. also has a large volume of potential new renewable energy resources that could be deployed to meet the need, including wind and solar projects, among other resources.

Contact us

If you have questions, please email the North Coast Expression of Interest administrator.