When Phil Van Dyke set out to replace waning metal halide lamps in the fabrication areas at Intercontinental Truck Body finding a fit for the HID to LED retrofit wasn't easy. But his persistence paid off, saving the family-run business $12,000 a year.
Involvement in the Industrial Cohort has also led to some surprising spin-off programs inside the company. Learn more
Which BC Hydro programs and energy efficiency initiatives are right for you? We can help you determine what's most practical and valuable for reducing waste and cutting costs at your facility.
Business Helpdesk
604 522 4713 (Lower Mainland) or 1 866 522 4713 (the rest of B.C.) industrial@bchydro.com
Eligibility for our three strategic energy management streams is based on annual electricity use. Do you qualify for industrial energy manager, industrial cohort or regional energy manager?