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Info Bulletin

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BC Hydro, union ratify five-year agreement

VANCOUVER — BC Hydro and the Canadian Office and Professional Employees Union (COPE) local 378 have ratified a new five-year labour agreement reached tentatively last month for 1,750 employees.

The agreement provides for a 5.5 per cent wage increase over five years for BC Hydro's administrative, financial and technical staff. It was negotiated under the Province's Economic Stability Mandate and runs until March 31, 2019.

The agreement leaves room for additional wage increases if the B.C. economy exceeds the annual forecasts set by the Economic Forecast Council during the last four years of the agreement.

Government's Economic Stability Mandate provided BC Hydro the ability to negotiate a longer-term agreement within a fixed fiscal envelope. BC Hydro continues to work to find efficiencies and keep operating costs low.